Sunday 13 December 2015

AP G.O.Ms.No.169 Recommendations of Tenth Pay Revision CommissionEnhancement of remuneration payable to the Drivers, Roneo Duplicating Operators and Lift Operators for attending to the official duties on holidays Orders

AP G.O.Ms.No.169 Recommendations of Tenth Pay Revision Commission Enhancement of remuneration payable to the Drivers, Roneo Duplicating Operators and Lift Operators for attending to the official duties on holidays
AP G.O.Ms.No.169 Recommendations of Tenth Pay Revision Commission Enhancement of remuneration payable to the Drivers, Roneo Duplicating Operators and Lift Operators for attending to the official duties on holidays Orders

Public Services - Recommendations of Tenth Pay Revision Commission Enhancement of remuneration payable to the Drivers, Roneo Duplicating Operators and Lift Operators for attending to the official duties on holidays Orders - Issued.

FINANCE (HR.VI-TFR-A&L-TA) DEPARTMENT G.O.Ms.No.169 Dated:11-12-2015.

Read the following:

  1. 1.G.O.Ms.No.98, Finance (TA) Department, dt: 06.04.2010.
  2. 2. G.O.Ms.No.46, Finance (HRM.V-PC) Department, dt: 30-04-2015.


1.In the Government order first read above, orders were issued fixing the remuneration of Rs.75/- per day to the Drivers when they are asked to perform duty on a holiday and could not be sanctioned a compensatory holiday in lieu thereof.

2. In the Government Order second read above, based on the recommendations of Tenth Pay Revision Commission, orders were issued implementing the Revised Pay Scales, 2015 to the State Government

3. The Tenth Pay Revision Commission has recommended for enhancement of the remuneration payable to the regular Drivers of the Government Vehicles at Rs.110/- per day. The Tenth Pay Revision
Commission also recommended to pay remuneration at the same rate to the Roneo Duplicating Operators and Lift Operators of all the Government Department who are paid salary in a regular scale of pay for those who are attending on official duties during holidays.

4. Government have accepted the recommendation of the Tenth Pay Revision Commission and accordingly hereby order that a remuneration of Rs.110/- per day shall be paid to the Drivers of the Government Vehicles, Roneo Duplicating Operators and Lift Operators of all the Government
Departments who are drawing pay in a scale of pay in R.P.S., 2015 and are required to perform official duty on a public holiday and who could not be sanctioned a compensatory holiday in lieu thereof. The form of certificate prescribed earlier may be continued to be insisted to be furnished by the
concerned controlling officer as shown in the Annexure.

5. Government also hereby order that in case the Drivers performing the duties on a public holiday exclusively on account of a private work of an Officer the remuneration of Rs.110/- per day be paid by the Government in the first instance and later on the same shall be recovered from the Officer
concerned along with the Propulsion Charges payable by the Officer.

6. These orders are not applicable to those Drivers who are on a tour outside the Headquarters as they are paid Travelling Allowance and Daily Allowance for the holiday, while on tour.

7. These orders are applicable to all the Drivers of the Government, Panchayat Raj Bodies and also the Drivers belonging to Work charged Establishments working in Engineering Departments of Irrigation, Projects, R&B, Panchayat Raj, Public Health and Municipal Administration Departments.

8. These orders are also applicable to the Drivers working in the Municipal Corporations and Municipal Councils, Zilla Grandhalaya Samsthas and Agricultural Market Committees. The expenditure shall,
however, be met from the respective Institutions from their own funds, as the case may be.

9. All the Departments of Secretariat, Heads of Departments and all controlling officers are, therefore, requested to certify and make entries in the Log Book maintained by the Drivers of the Vehicles. The amount may be claimed in Treasury Code Form 58 (i.e.) Fully Vouched Contingent Bill.
The Controlling Officers will have to append a certificate to the Bill, in which the claim is preferred (Certificate as shown in Annexure).

10. The expenditure on account of payment of Compensatory remuneration shall be debited to the detailed head '130 Offices Expenses - 132 Other Office Expenses' under the appropriate Major, Minor and Subhead of Account of the concerned Department.

11. These orders shall come into force with effect from 01.12.2015.

12. Necessary amendments to the Manual of Special Pays and Allowances shall be issued in due course.

13. The G.O. is available on Internet and can be accessed at the addresses and




                                                       ANNEXURE CERTIFICATE
Certified that the Services of Sri……………………………………… …………….............…………………… Driver / Roneo Duplicating Operator / Lift Operator Office of the………………………………......…………………………………………… were requisitioned for performing Government duty / Private work on Public Holiday falling on……………………………………. and the Driver / Roneo Duplicating Operator / Lift Operator was not sanctioned Compensatory Holiday in lieu thereof and therefore, he is entitled for remuneration of Rs…………….. in terms of G.O.Ms.No: ………… Finance (TA) Department, dated: __-12-2015.

                                                                                                          CONTROLLING OFFICER.


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