Monday 4 January 2016

CBSE 10 th and 12th class Senior School Certificate Examination Timetable/DATE-SHEET-2016.

CBSE Senior School Certificate Examinations March-2016 Timetable class 10th and 12th classes,CBSE 10th and 12th classes Data Sheet 2016 Scheduled on Official site SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION DATE-SHEET-2016.
CBSE 10 th and 12th class Senior School Certificate Examination Timetable/DATE-SHEET-2016.

CBSE Senior School Certificate Examinations March-2016 Timetable class 10th and 12th classes,CBSE 10th and 12th classes Data Sheet 2016 Scheduled on Official site SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION DATE-SHEET-2016.

Education plays the most important role in acquiring professional and social skills and a positive attitude to face thechallenges of life. Curriculum is a comprehensive plan of any educational programme.

It is also one of the means of bringing about qualitative improvement in an educational system. The Curriculum initiated by Central Board of Secondary Education-International (CBSE-i) is a progressive step in making the educational content responsive to global needs.

It signifies the emergence of a fresh thought process in imparting a curriculum which would restore the independence of the learner to pursue the learning process in harmony with the existing personal, social and cultural ethos.

The CBSE introduced the CBSE-i curriculum as a pilot project in few schools situated outside India in 2010 in classes I and IX and extended the programme to classes II, VI and X in the session 2011-12. It is going to be introduced in classes III, VII and for Senior Secondary classes with class XI in the session 2012-13. The Senior Secondary stage of education decides the course of life of any student.

At this stage it becomes extremely important for students to develop the right attitude, a willingness to learn and an understanding of the world around them to be able to take right decisions for their future.

The senior secondary curriculum is expected to provide necessary base for the growth of knowledge and skills and thereby enhance a student's potential to face the challenges of global competitiveness. The CBSE-i Senior Secondary Curriculum aims at developing desired professional, managerial and communication skills as per the requirement of the world of work.

CBSE-i is for the current session offering curriculum in ten subjects i.e. Physics Chemistry, Biology, Accountancy, Business-Studies, Economics, Geography, ICT, English, Mathematics I and Mathematics II. Mathematics at two levels caters to the differing needs of students of pure sciences or commerce. The Curriculum has been designed to nurture multiple intelligences like linguistic or verbal intelligence, logical mathematical intelligence, spatial intelligence, sports intelligence, musical intelligence, inter-personal intelligence and intra-personal intelligence.

The Core skills are the most significant aspects of a learner's holistic growth and learning curve. The objective of this part of the core of curriculum is to scaffold the learning experiences and to relate tacit knowledge with formal knowledge. This involves trans-disciplinary linkages that would form the core of the learning process.

Perspectives, SEWA (Social Empowerment through Work and Action), Life Skills and Research would be the constituents of this 'Core'. The CBSE-i Curriculum evolves by building on learning experiences inside the classroom over a period of time. The Board while addressing the issues of empowerment with the help of the schools' administering this system strongly recommends that practicing teachers become skilful and lifelong learners and also transfer their learning experiences to their peers through the interactive platforms provided by the Board. The success of this curriculum depends upon its effective implementation and it is expected that the teachers will make efforts to create better facilities, develop linkages with the world of work and foster conducive environment as per recommendations made in the curriculum document. I appreciate the effort of Dr. Sadhana Parashar, Director (Training), CBSE and her team involved in the development of this document. I specially appreciate the efforts of (Late) Dr. Srijata Das for working tirelessly towards meeting deadline


Prior to declaration of results of Senior School Certificate (Class XII) and Secondary School (Class X) the Board adopts the Moderation Policy in the following manner:

a) To compensate the candidates for the difficulties experienced in solving the question in a specified time due to misinterpretation/ambiguity of questions and errors, if any, leading to multiplicity of performance and causing constraints on consumption of time for other questions.
b) To compensate the vagaries and to bring uniformity in the evaluation process.
c) To bring parity on account of element of subjectivity involved in the evaluation process.
d) To level up the mean achievements in the set-wise performance of the candidates attributable to the difference in the difficulty level of different sets of question papers in the multiple sets scheme. e) To maintain a near parity of pass percentage of the candidates in the current year vis-à-vis preceding years, subject-wise and overal


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