Wednesday 27 January 2016

TS G.O.NO:2 Backward Classes Welfare Subordinate Service Rules, 2015.

TS G.O.NO:2 Backward Classes Welfare Subordinate Service Rules, 2015;Telangana TS PUBLIC SERVICES Telangana Backward Classes Welfare Subordinate Service Rules, 2015
TS G.O.NO:2 Backward Classes Welfare Subordinate Service Rules, 2015.

Telangana TS PUBLIC SERVICES – Telangana Backward Classes Welfare Subordinate Service Rules, 2015 – Orders - Issued.


G.O.MS.No. 2  Dated: 27-01-2016 
Read the following:-

  1. G.O.Ms.No.36, BC Welfare (P2) Dept., Dt:09.7.1996,
  2. G.O.Ms.No.15, BC Welfare (A) Dept., dt:16.05.2005,
  3. Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act, 2014 (Act No.6 of 2014), From the Director (FAC), BC Welfare, Telangana State, Hyderabad, Letter No.C/2335/2015, Dated:04.07.2015.
  4. G.O.Ms.No.30, BC Welfare (A) Department, Dt:30.09.2015. From the Secretary, TSPSC,  Lr.No.773/RR/TSPSC/2015, dt:06.01.2016, received on 20.01.2016.

O R D E R 

1.Whereas, by virtue of section 3 of the Andhra Pradesh Reorganization Act, 2014 (Central Act No. 6 of 2014), the State of Telangana comprising the territories specified therein has been formed on and from the appointed day i.e., of 02.06.2014;

2.And whereas, in section 101 of the Andhra Pradesh Reorganization Act, 2014, a provision has been made for the purpose of facilitating the application of any law (as defined in section 2 (f) of the Act), made before the appointed day, in relation to the State of Andhra Pradesh or the State of Telangana, the appropriate Government may before expiration of two years from 02.06.2014, by order, make such adaptations and modifications of the law, whether by way of repeal or amendment, as may be necessary or expedient, and thereupon every such Law shall have effect subject to the adaptations  and modifications  so  made until  altered, repealed or amended by a competent Legislature or other competent authority; 

3.And whereas, the Andhra Pradesh Backward Classes Welfare Service Rules, 1996 made in exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Articles 309 of the Constitution of India vide G.O. first read above, are in force as on 01.06.2014;

4.And whereas, in the reference 4th read above, the AP BC Welfare Subordinate Service Rules, 1996 have been adapted to Telangana State.

5.After careful examination, Government have decided to frame Telangana Backward Classes Welfare Subordinate Service Rules, 2015.

6.Accordingly, the following Notification will be published in an Extra- ordinary Gazettee of Telangana State.

RULES Short title :- These Rules may be called the Telangana Backward Classes Welfare Subordinate Service Rules, 1996.
 Constitution :- The Service shall consist of the following categories of posts in different classes.
Class A :
Category (1) : Assistant Backward Classes Welfare Officer
Category (2) : Hostel Welfare Officer, Grade-I
Category (3) : Hostel Welfare Officer, Grade-II
Category (4) : Teacher
Class B : Instructress, Training-cum-production Centre.

3. Method of appointment and appointing authority :- 

Subject to the other provisions in these Rules, the method of appointment and appointing authority for the various categories of posts specified in column (1) of the Table below, shall be as specified in columns (2) and (3) respectively thereof.

Note :-

(a) Thirty percent of substantive vacancies in the cadre of Assistant Backward Classes Welfare Officer shall be filled by direct recruitment through Telangana Public Service Commission.

(b)Appointments to the posts under category (1) other than by direct recruitment, shall be made by appointment by promotion from category (2).

(c)The filling up of substantive vacancies in the Category (1), shall be as per the cycle mentioned hereunder :

        I.    Vacancy – By promotion from category of Class-IV
II. Vacancy – By Direct Recruitment
III. Vacancy – By Direct Recruitment
IV. Vacancy – By Direct Recruitment
V. Vacancy – By promotion from category of Class-IV
VI. Vacancy – By transfer from the category 4
VII. Vacancy – By Direct Recruitment
VIII. Vacancy – By Direct Recruitment
IX. Vacancy – By Direct Recruitment
X. Vacancy – By Direct Recruitment

(d)Seventy percent of substantive vacancies in the category of 3, shall be filled by direct recruitment.

(e)Appointments to the posts under Category 3 other than by direct recruitment shall be made by promotion from Category of Class-IV and transfer from Category 4.

(f)The proportion in which the vacancies shall be filled or reserved to be filled by Direct Recruitment, by Promotion from the post of Class-IV and by transfer from category-4 shall be 7:2:1 respectively.

(g) the first and fifth vacancies in a cycle of ten substantive vacancies, shall be filled by promotion and sixth vacancy by transfer from category 4 and the rest by Direct Recruitment.

4. Reservation in appointments :- 

The rule of special representation called the General Rule 22 as mentioned by G.O.Ms.No.419, General Administration (Service) Department, dated 24.08.1994 and from time to time shall apply to appointments by direct recruitment for the posts under category 1, 3, 4 and the Category in Class-B.

5. Appointment of Women :- 

(a)  In the matter of direct recruitment to the posts under categories 2 & 3, only women candidates shall be selected for girls (Pre & Post matric) Hostels.

(b) In cases of direct recruitment to the posts under categories (1) and (4), women candidates shall be selected to the extent of 33 1/3 percent in each category of O.C., B.C-A., B.C.-B., B.C.-C., B.C.-D., S.C., S.T. and Physically Challenged and Ex-servicemen quota. If no women candidates are available, the vacancies shall be filled by men.

6. Qualifications :- No person shall be eligible for appointment to the categories of posts specified in column (1) of the Annexure to these Rules, by the method specified by Column (2) unless he/she possesses the qualifications specified in the corresponding entry in column (3) thereof.

7. Age :- As prescribed by the State Government from time to time during notification. 

8. Minimum Service :- The minimum service required for promotion or for appointment by transfer, shall ordinarily be three years and in no case shall it be less than two years.

9 .Probation :- 

(a) Every person appointed by direct recruitment to any of the posts shall, from the date on which he commences his probation, be on probation for a total period of two years on duty within a continuous period of three years.

(b)Every person appointed either by promotion or by transfer shall, from the date on which he commences his probation, be on probation for a total period of one year on duty within a continuous period of two years.

10.Training :- 

(a) Every person appointed by direct recruitment to the post of Assistant Backward Classes Welfare Officer, shall undergo a course of training for a period of two months as per programme prescribed by the Director.

(b)Every person appointed by direct recruitment to the posts of Hostel Welfare Officer, Grade-II shall undergo a course of training for one month as per the programme prescribed by the Director.

(c)Every person appointed by direct recruitment to the posts of Categories 1, 3, shall before the commencement of training, execute a bond that he / she shall serve the department for a period of three years, after the completion of training referred to in sub-rules (a) and (b):

Provided that he/she shall be liable to refund to the Government the pay and allowances and any other remuneration received by him/her in addition to the amount spent by the Government on his/her training, if he/she fails to serve the Department for a period of three years after the completion of his/her training for any reason; (or) if he/she discontinues the training or is discharged from training course for misconduct or any other reason; (or) if he/she secures any other employment elsewhere than under the State Government.Provided further that enforcement of bond should not be insisted upon in the case of an employee who joins Central Govt./ quasi Govt,./ Autonomous Bodies/ wholly /substantially owned/ financed/ controlled by the State Govt, other than private employment subject to the condition that fresh bond is taken to ensure that the employee serves the employer for the balance of the original bond period.

(d)The period of training shall count for purposes of probation, increment, leave, etc.
(e)A direct recruit shall be eligible, during the period of training, for the initial pay of the post with usual allowances admissible at the place of training.

11. Tests :- 

(a) Every person appointed by direct recruitment as Assistant Backward Classes Welfare Officer, shall pass during the period of probation, the Accounts Test for Subordinate Officers, part-I and Accounts Test for Subordinate Officers, Part-II, and such other test(s) as prescribed by the Government.

(b) Every person, appointed by direct recruitment as Hostel Welfare Officer, Grade-II or Teacher shall pass, during the period of probation, the Accounts Test for Subordinate Officers, Part-I and such other test(s) as prescribed by the Government.

12. Unit of appointment :- For purposes of recruitment, appointment, discharge for want of vacancy, reappointment, seniority, promotion, transfer and posting and appointment as full member to the post specified in column (1) of the Table below, the unit of appointment shall be as specified in column (2) thereof.






The Commissioner, Printing, Stationery and Stores purchases (Printing Wing) Department, Hyderabad (for publication of Notification in the Extra ordinary issue of the Telangana Gazettee), with a request to furnish (100) Copies of the Gazettee to the Government.

The Commissioner, BC Welfare, TS, Hyderabad – with a request to communicate to all HWOs/ABCWOs/DBCWOs/DDs (BCW), in TS.

Copy to:

The Member Secretary, AP Commission for BCs, Hyderabad.

The VC & MD, TS BC Cooperative Finance Corporation Ltd., Hyderabad.
The Secretary, MJPTSBCWREIS, Hyderabad.
The Director, BC Study Circle, Hyderabad.
The General Administration Department.
The Law Department.
The Commissioner, I&PR (Publicity Cell).
The PS to M(BCW).
The PS to Prl. Secy. to Govt., BCWD. SC/SF (C.No.1741/A1/2015).


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