Wednesday 24 February 2016

AP RC.20 DSC TET cum TRT 2014 Revised Counseling Schedule and Instructions at

AP RC.20 DSC TET cum TRT 2014 Revised Counseling Schedule and Instructions at
AP RC.20 DSC TET cum TRT 2014 Revised Counseling Schedule and Instructions at as per Rc.20 Dt.08.02.2016 Revision of DSC-2014 Schedule and Instructions


AP RC.N0.20/TRC-2/2015 Dt.08.02.2016

Sub: School Education - TET-CUM-TRT-2014 - Preparation of Selections Lists,Verification of the Certificates and Revision of Schedule - Instructions- Issued-Reg.

  1. 1.G.O.Ms.No.38‚Education‚ Datedt: 19.11.2014
  2. 2. GovtMemo No.123.47/Exams/2014‚ dt.25.01.2016
  3. 3.This Office Proc.Rc.No.20/trc—1/201 6 Dt.29.01.2016.
The attention of the District Educational Officers in the State is invited to the reference read above and they are informed that in the reference 3rd read above, the Government permitted the Commissioner of School Education, A.P.‚Hyderabadto take up the further recruitment process in respect of 8086 notifed vacancies inciuding  S.A.(Phy.Edn) 7057 SGTs and 1026 Language Pandits duly following the guidelines issued in the G.O.1st read above. 

Accordingly the guidelines for preparation of selection Lists are issued hereunder:

1. A Provisional merit cum roster list shall be prepared out of qualified candidates to the extent of vacancies notified for each category of posts.

2. Draw the Provisional selection list as per Merit list basing on the Rank assigned to the candidate and as per the Roster notified in the web.

3. While drawing the Provisional Selection List, 100 Roster Cycle should be followed scrupulously.

4. Percentage of Local and Non local has to be followed basing on the Presidential Order.

5. After preparation of provisional list verification of earlier TET score by original card, Original qualification certificates, Proof of age, Original caste/PH/any such qualification certificate claimed by the candidate in the application shall be undertaken by the officer/ Committee authorized by the Commissioner and Director of School Education. correction such as changing of Community, Date of birth, qualification TET marks should he entertained. As such basing on the details submined, the ranks are generated. Hence, any Correction's will lead to re-drawing of merit list.

7. If the certificates are not found to be genuine Incorrect and if the Candidate fails to Produce the Certificates required at the time of Verification or if the Candidate is absent for Verification of certificates, such candidates shall forego the right of selection, and next eligible Candidate shall be considered for the authorized officer as designated in the reference 3rd read above, the final selection list shall be prepared and published.

9. The number of candidates shall not be more than the number of vacancies notified for that particular category.

10. In the process, posts if any unfilled for any reason what so ever shall be carried forward for future recruitment.

11. After such publication, there shall not be any waiting list and selection made shall be final.


l. While verifying the Certificates, the District Educational Officers should ensure that No candidate with backlogs in D.Ed comes under Selection and such Candidates should not be considered under any circumstancesl

2.The Court cases relating to local/ Non- local Status should be consldered basing on the orders issued by the Hon'ble APAT /High Court.

3. The Court Cases relating to qualification, subjects, community and on any other matters shall be considered basing on the orders ofthe Hon'ble APAT, if any, in terms of the guidelines issued in G.0. Ms. N0. 38, Education Dated:19.11.2014 and with respect to the Online Application Form submitted by the candidate.


The verification of certificates should be done thoroughly.

1.While verifying the certificates in respect of Ihe differently abled candidates, the District Educational Officers should ensure that the certiflcate is issued by the Competent Authority as specified in Proc. Rc. No.20/TRC-1/2016 dated:29.01.2016 Of CSE, A.P., Hyderahad.

2.The District Educational Officers should also ensure that the Certiflcate issued is prior to the date of submission of application by the candidate.

3.N0 extension of time shall be allowed to the candidates to produce the requisite Certiflcate.

4.Qualifications prescribed for LPT and SGT in G.O. Ms, N0, 38, Education Dated :19.11.2014 should be followed. EX SERVICEMEN:

5.While making selection under EX- Servicemen category, the candidates who are EX Servicemen themselves should only be considered The Spouse, in of the Ex-Servicemen should not be considered.

The District Educational Offlcers are further informed that, as per the tentative schedule communicated, the verification and uploading of certificates of provisionally selected candidates at District levelthrough online has t0 be taken up from 0902-2016 to 1502-2016.

But the same has been revised and it is to be taken up from 11.02.2016 t0 16.02.2016. in addition to the procedure already communicated for verification of certificates‚the following guidelines are prescribed.

1. The District Educational Officer should conform the list of provisionally selected candidates placed on the URL of the District Collector.

2.After confirmation, the list of candidates who have to attend for verification along with the date and venueshallbe generated on

3.invariably an SMS alert to this effect will be delivered to the Registered Mobile Number of the candidate.

4.The candidate intimate should download The Provisional Selection Letter from in.

5.The candidates should bring the Original Certificatesalong with the provisional selection letter downloaded to the venue notified by the DEO on the date prescribed in provisional selection letter.

6.The DEOs should giVe a wide publicity on the above points by getting it published in the local dain newspapers The District Educational Officers are further informed that the guidelines, necessary orders for conduct of counselling and issue of appointment orders to the selected candidates shall he issued separately.

Therefore, the District Educational Officers are requested t0 follow the above instructions scrupulously and any deviation in the matter shall be viewed seriously.

K.Sandhya Rani.


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