Monday 8 February 2016

AP RC.NO:142 Schools Maintain MDM Tasting Registers format.

Andhra Pradesh AP RC.NO:142 Schools Maintain MDM Tasting Registers format.
The immediate attention of the District Educational Officers (DEOs)In the State is invited to the D.O. Letter read above and informed that It is observed by the Additional Director (MDM) in some of the Schools in the State that there are no “Tasting register" and “preparation of Mid Day Meal is still going in unhyglenic conditions” which leads to so many complications and to untoward incidents.

As such they are once again informed to instruct their Mandal Educational Officers(MEOs) to implement Midday Meal (MDM) very carefully in their Mandals by giving no scope to any untoward Incidents and to follow the guidelines Issued through the DD. Lr read above scrupulously, and also to ensure that make the Head Masters to maintain “Tasting Registers” with the following format.

Proceedings of the Commissioner of School Education, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad

Present: Smt.K.Sandhya Rani IAS , 

AP Rc.No: 142/MDM/2015 Dated:05/02/2016.

Top priority shtreeould be given to this item, and submit action taken report immediately.


For Commissioner of School Education

  • To All the District Educational Officers in the State.

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