Sunday 7 February 2016

AP RC.NO:405 Supply of Furniture to Government Secondary Schools in the state during the financial year 2015-16.

AP RC.NO:405 Supply of Furniture to Government Secondary Schools in the state during the financial year 2015-16
AP RC.NO:405 Supply of Furniture to Government Secondary Schools in the state during the financial year 2015-16.

AP Lr.RC.NO: 405/PS-I/2009, dated:06/02/2016.


Sub: School Education - Plan schemes -Supply of Furniture to Government Secondary Schools in the state during the financial year 2015-16 - Entrusting the work to APEWIDV Hyderabad- Providing district - Wise requirement - Regarding.


  1. 1. Govt Memo.No:19737/SE. Program. I/A2/2014,datd:29/12/2015.
  2. 2. This Office Lr.No.RC.No.509/A1/APMS/ 2015.dated:22/01/2015.

In the memo Ist cited Government has according permission permission to the Commissioner of School Education to procure furniture worth Rs.20.00 crores through APEWIDC for the current financial year in 2015- 16 and the furniture scheduled be made available before commencement of SSC Examinations immediately. Accurdingly in this office letter 2nd cited the work relating to procurement and supply of duel desks was entrusted to The Managing Director, A.P Education 36 Welfare Infrastructure Development Corporation.

Further as assured in the letter 2nd cited I am herewith enclosing the district- wise list of schonls, requirement of furniture I request you to ensure that the furniture is supplied prior to commencement of SSC examinations as per the rates. prescribed under Model Schools, as envisaged by Government. The selection of required schools is made after verifying the information provided by the District Educational Officers.

As estimated by the this office, for Rs/-20 crores sanctioned, about 39000 dual desks can be supplied to 287 schools, The district wise list of schools is attached herewith. Pl ensure that all SSC Centers which require furniture fully or partially are supplied the same on priority.

However, pleasc coordinate wich the DEO: while giving final supply order. While suggesting any modifications are at the time of supply of furniture DEOs should ensurce the following order of preference:

  • The schools, which are SSC centers, irrespective of enrolment of the school. 
  • The schools, where the enrolment exceeds 300.
  • The schools, which are in SC/St  habitations.
  • The schools for girls.
  • Any other school with over 200 enrolment

In this context, all the District Educational Officer's in the State are requestcd to
coordinator with The APEWIDC from Time to time and ensure that The furniture is supplied to the schools basing on The above criteria.

Enclosed as above.

Yours Faithfully ,

Sandhya Rani,

Commissioner of School Education AP.


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