Tuesday 26 April 2016

AP Summer MDM Implementation Guidelines into HMs as per RC.NO:75.

Andhra Pradesh Summer Midday Meals MDM Implementation Guidelines into Head Masters as per RC.NO:75 , AP Summer Midday Meals Providing Students to drought affected mandals for Classes  Ist Class to VIIIth & IXth Classes Certain guidelines to H.Ms as per RC.NO:75 , AP RC.NO:75 Summer Midday Meals Providing Students to drought affected mandals for Classes  Ist Class to VIIIth & IXth Classes Certain guidelines to H.Ms , AP Summer Midday Meals Implementation Guidelines into Head Masters as per RC.NO:75.

AP Summer Midday Meals Implementation Guidelines into HMs as per RC.NO:75.

AP RC.NO:75/MDM/2016 Dated:23.04.2016, 

Sub:- School Education MDM Implementation of Mid Day Meal Scheme during summer vacation in drought affected mandals for Classes  Ist Class to VIIIth & IXth Classes Certain guidelines Issued. 

Reference : 

  1. GO I guidelines 2006 
  2. G.O.Ms.No.7,Revenue (DM.II)Dept Dated:27.10.2015 
  3. G.O.Ms.No.12 Revenue (DM.II)Dept. Dated.21.11.2015 
  4. Govt.MemoNo.225780/Pr0g.l/A1/2016,Dated.23.04.2016 

1.All the District Educational Officers in the State except Visakhapatnam,East Godavari and West Godavari are informed that Govt.of India have issued guidelines for providing Mid Day Meals during summer vacation in drought affected areas. Govt. in the references 2nd & 3rd read above have declared the drought affected areas during Kharrif - 2015. 

2.In view of the above Government have decided to provide Mid Day Meals during summer vacation 2016-17 from 24.04.2016 to 12.06.2016 (except Second Saturdays & Sundays) in drought affected mandals for Classes VIII & IX classes. 

3.The following are the guidelines for implementation of Mid Day Meals Scheme during summer Vacation 

1.The DEOs are make arrangements for providing MDM in the district or part of the district which are declared as drought affected. The programme shall be commenced from 24.04.2016. 

2.The DEO shall h old a meeting with MEOs/HMs of the schools in the drought affected mandals and fix the responsibility of the teacher day wise to attend the school during vacation on rotation basis. 

3.Head masters/Teachers who are presently supervising MDM shall continue to supervise on rotation basis. 

4.In high Schools the HM will be the incharge of MDM implementation during summer vacation. 

5.In Primary /Upper Primary Schools, the teacher designated as HM or other teachrs on rotation basis shall be incharges to implement the programme. 

6.The HMs of the schools shall instruct the existing cooking agencies/NGOs to provide MDM during summer vacation period also. 

7.The Schools shall function from 8.30 am to 10.30 am and allow the students to go home after taking MDM. 

8.Instruct the concerned HMs shall hold the meeting with School Management Committees/Parents/Sarpanches/Ward Members at school levels and request them to visit the school during serving of Mid Day Meal. 

9.The HMs shall ensure that atleast one SMC member / Parent shall visit the school every day and also sign in the Register indicating the No. of students taking mid day meal. 

10.The HM/Teachrs who is incharge of the programme shall take willingness of parents/students atleast one day before starting of the programme in the school and inform the MEO regarding No.of students going to take meal and MEO inturn shall submit the same to DEO so as to arrive at approximate estimation of the No. of Students taking MDM 

11.All the HMS/Teachers who are incharge of the programme shall maintain records/registers such as issue register,stock register and the No. of students taking meal and also the register to be signed by SMC member/Parent /Community members during their visit to schools. 

12.The Dy.E.Os/MEOs/Cluster Resource persons shall every day visit 3 to 4 schools in their jurisdiction and monitor the programme Implementation 

13.Rice was released for Ist quarter fro classes I to VIII and IX class, utilize the same for vacation period also. 

14.To take necessary measures to all the students are attend the school and to take Mid Day Meal and make vide publicity through media. 

This has the approval of Commissioner of School Education, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad. 

K.Sandhya Rani,

Commissioner of School Education.


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