Saturday, 23 July 2016

AP Schools ASER Survey scheduled to be conducted In the Month of September to November 2016  allot the  DIET students In each district for collection of data In the month of September. AP ASER Centre, New Delhi has informed that ASER 2016 is scheduled to be conducted  allot the  DIET students In each district for collection of data In the month of September as per R.C.NO:94.

AP ASER Schools Survey conducted In the Month of September as per R.C.NO:94

AP Lr.Rc.No.94B/Survey/SCERT/2016 Dated:-  15.07.2016

Sub: O/O the Director SCERT,A.P,Hyderabad ASER 2016 Partnership with DIETs Allotment of DIET students for Survey request Regarding.

Ref: Letter dated.15.07.2016 from Director ASER Centre, New Delhi.

The attention of all the District Educational Officers, Project Officers, SSA and Principals of DIETs in the state Is Invited to the reference read above wherein the Director, ASER Centre, New Delhi has informed that ASER 2016 is scheduled to be conducted In the Month of September to November 2016 to get the data of enrolment as well as the reading and arithmetic levels of children In the age group of 5 16 years and requested to Involve the

students of DIETs in the state for conduct of the survey.

In this context, the Director, allot the  DIET students In each district for collection of data In the month of September

2016 and informed that all costs of training for the volunteers, survey, tra multimedia where available In the college are born by the ASER survey

Therefore, all the District Educational Officers, PM] SSA and Principals of DIETS in the state are requested make necessary  allocation of DIET students for ASER 2016 survey.

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