Tuesday 14 March 2017

Kurnool District Court Process Server 2017 Recruitment job Notification.

Kurnool District Job Notification for Process Server 2017 Recruitment Notification,Kurnool Court New Job for Process Server 07 posts Recruitment job Notification-2017,Kurnool Judicial Court Process Servere job Notification 2017.
Kurnool District Court New Recruitment Post for Process Server  7 posts  Notification at ecouts.gov.in/kurnool.

The Hon'ble High Court of Judicature at Hyderabad for the State of Telangana and the State of Andhra Pradesh through its letter in ROC No.-549/2016-RC. dt: 10-02-2017 permitted the undersigned to issue Notification for 7 posts of Process Server under direct recruitment against roster points and classes or categories as detailed hereunder.

Number of Posts:-

Category of the postClass or CategoryNumber of PostsScale of Pay
Process ServayereOC/BCD/SC/05(1W)/01/01
RS 15460-47330

Hence applications are invited in the prescribed format enclosed herewith for appointment to the post of PROCESS SERVER in the A P. Last Grade Service Rules in the Union of District Judge, Kurnool, by Direct Recruitment from the eligibie candidates.

The applications shall be submitted to the following address by Post Registered Post/Courier etc. No application will be received directly

Application shall be addressed to: THE PRINCIPAL DISTRICT JUDGE,KURNOOL:


Educational Qualifications:-

  • Must have passed VIL Class examination conducted by A,P. State Government List should be enclosed, if not, the Application stands rejected automatically).
  • Must be able to ride bicycle.
  • Preference will be given to the candidates, who possess professional skills. such as driving. electrical, carpentry, plumbing, gardening, cooking, water pump set mechanism,machinery work, etc. In addition to the above qualification, preference will be given to the candidates having previous experience, preferably in Judicial and Quasi-Judicia) Department.
  • NO person shall be eligible for appointment to the post of Process Server into District
  • Judiciary of Kumool, unless he/she is able to read and write the languages Telugu and Urdu or
  • one of the languages.


Must not have completed 34 years of age and must have completed 18 years of age as on
01-07-2017 (Vide G.O.Ms.No.115, General Administration (SERB) Department, dated 29-02.
The age relaxation of maximum age limit is S years in respect of Scheduled Caste Scheduled Tribe and Backward Class candidates and 10 years in respect of Physically Challenged. The age relaxation of maximum age limit in respect of Ex-Service men is as per Rule (c) (i) Of the A.P. State and Subordinate Service Rules, 1996.


The candidates who are applying for the post Of Process Server shall enclose a DEMAND DRAFT for Rs.200/- (Rupees Two hundred only) towards application/examinationfee, drawn in favout of THE PRINCIPAL DISTRICT JUDGE. KURNOOL, payable at KURNOOL from any Nationalized Bank.

The candidates belonging to Schedule Caste/Schedule Tribe/Physieally Challenged persons/ Ex-Service Men are EXEMPTED from submitting the Demand Draft for Rs.200/- towards application/examination fee. (Vide Circular Of the Hon'ble High Court Of A.P, in Lr ROC No.779/ 201 t .RC, dated 01-10-2011).

The candidates are further instructed to note their name with pencil on the reverse side of the Demand Draft in a corner for information of the District Court.

The candidates are informed that the amount of Rs.200/- sent by Demand Draft shall not be refunded under any circumstances though the applications are rejected on any ground.


Appointments to the posts notified will be made only on the basis of the Presidential Order to the extent it applies and subject to Rule of Reservation and Guidelines prescribed by the Hon'ble High Court of Judicature at Hyderabad for the State of Tetangana and the State of Andhra Pradesh.

A simple written test in English of the Standard consistent with the minimum general educational qualification prescribed ie., VII Class qualification for the post shall be conducted on OMR basis (Technoloo) for all the eligible applicants.

The Written test shall be conducted for 80 marks and oral interview for 20 marks,

The minimum qualifying marks to be secured in the written examination shall be 40% for OC candidates, 35% for BC candidates and 30% for SC & ST candidates as per the existing Rules.

Interview shall be conducted to the candidates qualified in the written examination, in the
ratio of 1:10.

The District Judge, Kurnool is the ultimate authority to take any decision and the decision of the District Judge, Kurnool On any aspect in regard to recruitment against this Notification shall be final.

No personal shall be eligible for appointment to the service by direct recruitment unless he/she satisfies the following conditions viz.,that he/she iS of sound health, active habit and free from any bodily defects or infirmities rendering him/her unfit for the service, and that his/her character and antecedents are such as would not disqualify for the service


The recruitment shall be subject to the Rule of Reservation in favour of candidates belonging to SC, ST, BC, Physically challenged persons, Ex-service men and Women categories as per Rules in force.


Appointments wili be made only on the basis of the PRESIDENTIAL, ORDERS issued under Article 371 -D of the Constitution of India and subject to Rule of Reservation.

Applications are to be submitted in the prescribed proforma enclosed herewith and applications received in any other format will be summarily rejected.

No. TA or DA will be paid for the journey performed in connection with recruitment i.e., for Written Examination!Oral Interview.

Applications with insufficient information will summarily be rejected.

Applications which do not contain necessary enclosures as detailed above will be rejected.

Applications received after 5-00 2n 10-04•2017 Will not be entertained.

Applications which were received prior to this notification will not be considered.

This Office is not responsible for any postal delay/delay caused by any other service like Courier service and no correspondence will be entertained in this regard.

Mere applying and mere securing minimum qualifying marks in the written test will not,give any right to any candidate to be called for interview.

All rights are reserved with the Appointing Authority to reject the application at any stage, if found to be false and the appointment shall liable to be cancelled if any information therein is found to be false at any later stage and the applicants are liabl erosecgiion for furnishing such false information.

If the candidate furnishes vvT0ng information with regard to category, caste or religion etc., they shall not have any right subsequently for selection in that particular category. caste or religion and in that aspect the selection authority is not responsible for the lapse on the part of the candidate.

Selection to the posts will be made as per the guidelines issued by the Hon'bie High Court of Judicature at Hyderabad for the State of Telangana and for the State of Andhra Pradesh and A.P. Last Grade Service Rules and subject to approval by the Hon'ble High Court of Judicature at Hyderabad for the State of Tetangana and the State of Andhra Pradesh.

Candidates resorting to bring influence Of any kind will be summarily disqualified.

The employees appointed under this Notification will be covered by the CONTRIBUTORY PENSION SCHEME ONLY and that the Pension Scheme as per Andhra Pradesh Revised Pension Rules, 1980 will not be applicable to them.

The Appointing Authority reserves the right to cancel the notification without assigning any reasons.

The Candidates are instructed that the D.D. Number and the name of the Bank with date should be noted on the top of the application form and Data Sheet Form and further instructed to note their name in full in capital letters with pencil on the reverse side of demand draft in a cornets for information.

The candidates, who have applied for various categories of posts shall enclose Demand Draft for Rs.200/- for each category of post.

The candidates gre inforcned that the auqunt of RS200/- sent Demand praft will not refunded under

In respect of candidates continuing on temporary basis, short listing of their applications will be done on the basis of their performance during the period of their engagement.

Selection will be made as per the guidelines issued by the Hon'ble High Court of A.P. and A.P. Judicial Ministerial Service Rules, with A.P. Last Grade Service Rules.

Out Of 07 posts of Process Servers, 06 posts are resented for local candidates and 01 post is un reserved (for which both local and non-local Candidates can compete and getselected as per merit), as per instructions issued in Para 8 of the Presidential Order issued vide G.O.Ms.No.674, dated 20-10-1975,

No information will be sent to the unsuccessful candidates after announcement of list of qualifying candidates for interview/final selection,

No application will be entertained for supply of information for question paper, key of answers, individual marks secured in the written test/oral interview etc., under Right to Information Act, 2005 till the selection process is completed.

Website address of Kurnool District Judiciary; http://ecouts.gov.in/kurnool.


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