Thursday 13 April 2017

TS G.o.No:10 DEECET Instructions Guidelines and Rules Admission into DIET Course.

TS DEECET 2017 Admission Instructions Guidelines and Rules Admission into Elementary Teacher Training Institutions / District Institutes of Education and Training (DIETs) as per G.O.Ms.No:10 Dated: 12-04-2017,Telangana DEECET 2017 Admissions Instructions Guidelines and Rules as per G.O.NO:10,TS DEECET Admission into Elementary Teacher Training Institutions/District Institutes of Education and Training (DIETs) through Diploma in Elementary Education Common Entrance Test (DEECET) 2017 Instructions Guidelines and Rules Admission into DIET Course.
TS DEECET 2017 Instructions Guidelines and Rules relating Admission into Elementary Teacher Training Institutions / District Institutes of Education and Training (DIETs) through Common Entrance Test as per G.O.Ms.No:10 Dated: 12-04-2017.

TS School Education Department  Rules relating to admission of students into Elementary Teacher Training Institutions / District Institutes of Education and Training (DIETs) through Common Entrance Test Rules 2017 Orders as per G.O.Ms.No. 10 Dated: 12-04-2017

  1. G.O.Ms.No.63,Education (PE-Prog.II) Department, dated 28.10.2013.
  2. G.O. Ms. No. 22, School Education (PE-Prog.II) Department, dated 29.05.2014
  3. G.O.Ms.No.26,School Education (Prog.II) Department, dated 14.09.2015
  4. G.O.Ms.No.2, School Education (Prog.II) Department, dated 03.02.2016
  5. From the Commissioner & Director of School Education, Telangana, Hyderabad, Lr.Rc. No. 38/N1/TE/SCERT/2016, dated 20.02.2017 & 11.04.2017.
The following notification shall be published in the extra-ordinary issue of the Telangana Gazette dated 12.04.2017.


In exercise of the powers conferred by sections 3 and 15 of the Telangana Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admissions and Prohibition of Capitation Fee) Act, 1983 (Act No.5 of 1983) and in supersession of all the rules in force on the subject, the Governor of Telangana State hereby makes the following rules for admission of students into Elementary Teacher Training Institutions/District
Institutes of Education and Training (DIETs) through Diploma in Elementary Education Common Entrance Test (DEECET):

Short Title, Applicability and Commencement

  • These rules may be called the Telangana Elementary Teacher Education Institutions/ District Institutes of Education and Training (Regulation of Admissions into Diploma in Elementary Education Programme(D.El.Ed.) through Common Entrance Test) Rules, 2017.
  • They shall apply to all Government and Private Un-aided Elementary Teacher Education Institutions / District Institutes of Education and Training (DIETs) imparting Diploma in Elementary Education (D.El.Ed.) Programme in the State.
  • They shall come into force from the academic year 2017-18.


In these rules, unless the Context otherwise requires:-

  • (a) “Act’’ means, the Telangana Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admissions and Prohibition of Capitation Fee) Act, 1983 (Act No.5 of 1983).
  • (b) “Chairperson” means, Chairperson of the Diploma in Elementary Education Common Entrance Test (DEECET) and the DEECET Committee.
  • (c) “ Diploma in Elementary Education Common Entrance Test” (DEECET) means, Examination conducted ‘online’ for assigning rank or merit in the order to the candidates who appear for the said test which will be the basis for admission into the D.El.Ed. Programme in the Govt. DIETs and all Government and Private Un-aided Elementary Teacher Education Institutions in the State.
  • (d) “Diploma in Elementary Education Common Entrance Test Committee” means, the Committee empowered to conduct the DEECET online and to prepare the list of candidates in the order of marks (merit) obtained in the DEECET based on which admissions will be made.
  • (e) “Competent Authority” means, the Commissioner & Director of School Education, Telangana, Hyderabad.
  • (f) “Chairperson, Affiliation Committee” means, the Commissioner and Director of School Education.
  • (g) “Convener of DEECET Admissions” means the Commissioner and Director of School Education, Telangana and Chairperson, DEECET Committee who shall conduct DEECET ‘Online’ and allot candidates for admission into Diploma in Elementary Education (D.El.Ed.) Programme in all the District Institutes of Education and Training and for the Category ‘A’ seats of all Private Un-aided Non-Minority Elementary Teacher Education Institutions and the Private Un-aided Minority Elementary Teacher Education Institutions that opted for admissions through Single Window 1.
  • (h) “Convener of DEECET-AC Admissions” means, a person nominated by the Association(s) of Private Unaided Minority Elementary Teacher Education Institutions for selection and allotment of qualified candidates for admission into Category ‘A’ seats of Minority Elementary Teacher Education Institutions that opted for Single Window 2.
  • (i) “Eligible Candidate” means, the candidate who is eligible for admission as per the eligibility criteria prescribed in these Rules.
  • (j) “Government” means, the State Government of Telangana.
  • (k) “Inspecting Authority” means, the Authority / Officer appointed by the Competent Authority for verifying the admissions made in the Private Unaided Elementary Teacher Education Institutions offering D.El.Ed. Programme.
  • (l) “Verification Officer” means, the Principal of DIET of the district / districts concerned as given against the name of the DIET who shall be authorized by the Competent Authority to verify all the relevant documents of the list of DEECET qualified candidates that shall be notified by the Convener of DEECET or DEECET-AC for consideration for admissions.
  • (m) 'Jurisdiction of DIET' means, the districts that come under any of the existing DIETs established in the erstwhile districts as shown below and shall be responsible for conducting and monitoring all D.El.Ed. related works:
  • (n) “Verification Centre” means, the DIET concerned as shown in the Table at Rule 2 (m) where the verification of documents shall be conducted and which shall be notified by the DEECET Committee
  • (o) “Institution” means, unless otherwise specifically mentioned, all the Govt. DIETs, Government Elementary Teacher Education Institutions and all Private Elementary Teacher Education Institutions in the State imparting D.El.Ed Programme.
  • (p) “Concerned Minority Institution” means, the Linguistic or Religious Minority Institution to which such a status is accorded by the Government as per G.O.Ms.No.1, Minorities Welfare Department, Dated 16-01-2004 and as amended from time to time.
  • (q) “Minority Elementary Teacher Education Institution” means, the institution imparting D.El.Ed. Programme established and administered by the concerned Minority Organisation and recognised by the Government as such as per G.O.Ms.No.1, Minorities Welfare Department, dated 16-01-2004 as amended from time to time.
  • (r) “Minority Candidate” means, a candidate who can be determined as belonging to any particular Minority Community as mentioned in G.O.Ms.No.1, Minorities Welfare (M&R) Department, dated 16.01.2004 as amended from time to time
  • (s) “Qualifying Candidate” means, the candidate who appeared for the DEECET for admission into the D.El.Ed. Programme and has been assigned medium wise rank in the Common Merit List as per Rule 8 of these rules for admission into all the Govt. DIETs and Elementary Teacher Education Institutions.
  • (t) “Qualifying Examination” means, the examination of the minimum qualification which entitles a candidate to seek admission into D.El.Ed. Programme as prescribed in Rule 4 of these Rules.
  • (u) “Single Window System” means, a system by which available seats in all the Institutions (Govt. DIETS, Government Elementary Teacher Education Institutions and Category A seats of Un-aided Private Elementary Teacher Education Institutions) are offered through a Common Centralised Counseling through web based programme to the qualified candidates in the order of merit obtained in the DEECET.
  • (v) “Single Window-1” means, the group of Institutions opting for the Single Window System operated by the Convener DEECET for admissions from DEECET rank holders. All the seats in all Government DIETs, Government Elementary Teacher Education Institutions, Category ‘A’ seats in Private Unaided Non-Minority Institutions and Private Un-aided Minority Institutions that opted for Single Window-1.
  • (w) “Single Window-2” means, the Private Un-aided Minority group of Institutions opting for the Single Window System operated by the Convener DEECET AC for admissions into Category ‘A’ seats of their respective institutions from DEECET rank holders.
  • (x) “Category A seats” means, 80% of the sanctioned intake of the seats in all the Private Un-aided Elementary Teacher Education Institutions to be filled by the Convener DEECET or DEECET AC as the case may be from the DEECET rank holders in the order of merit as per the eligibility conditions mentioned in Rule 4 of these rules.
  • (y) “Category B seats” means, 20% of the sanctioned intake of the seats in Private Un-aided Non-Minority and Private Un-aided Minority Elementary Teacher Education Institutions to be filled by the managements of the respective colleges as per the eligibility conditions mentioned in Rule 4 of these rules and subject to approval by the Convener DEECET.
  • (z) “Academic Calendar” means, the Time Table of the activities of the D.El.Ed. Programme with fixed time period and duration for each activity depending on the weightage assigned to the various Programme components to be developed by the Director, SCERT.


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