Tuesday 26 June 2018

AP Municipal Schools Teachers work adjustment/Surplus teachers Certain Instructions as per R.c.No.11021

AP Municipal Schools Teachers work adjustment/Surplus teachers Certain Instructions as per R.c.No.11021/AP Municipal Schools - Programme of Action 2018-19 for Quality Improvement in Schools and work adjustment of surplus teachers - Certain Instructions as per R.c.No.11021/29/2016/J3 Dt.22 .06.2018
AP Municipal Administration Department - Municipal Schools - Programme of Action 2018-19 for Quality Improvement in Schools and work adjustment of surplus teachers - Certain Instructions as per R.c.No.11021/29/ 2016/J3 Dt.22 .06.2018

Review Meeting by the Hon'ble Minister of MA&UD department,for the DMA, AP, Guntur, dated 15.05.2018. Review Meeting of the Director of Municipal Administration, AP, Guntur, dated: 05.06.2018.
G.O.Ms.No.210, MA&UD (01) Dept., dated 23.05.2017.

AP Municipal Schools Teachers work adjustment & Surplus teachers Certain Instructions as per R.c.No.11021

The attention of all the Municipal Commissioners in the 59 ULBs Where educational institutions exist are invited to the references 1st and 2nd cited, wherein detailed discussions were held during the review meetings and certain decisions Weretaken on Programme of Action 2018-19 for Improvement of Quality Education in Municipal Schools and work adjustment of surplus teachers inthe ULBs and the following are the instructions/actions to be taken during 2018-2019;

Improvement of Physical Environment 

* Paintings to Compound Wall, White Washing of Class Rooms ..... Face lifting of Schools and bringing child friendly ambience in Primary Schools as it was done in the case of Pre- Schoolsin Urban areas.
* Ensuring Good Sanitation, Safe Drinking Water, Separate Toilets for Boys and Girls etc.
* Conduct a quick assessment of structural soundness of all class rooms in the Schools and action may be taken to demolish the dilapidated class roomS as per procedure, before the rainy season.
* Minor repairs to classrooms if any may be taken up from the ULB funds.
Enrollment of Students
* Enrolment campaigns were taken up during the last week of April 2018 and during Ist week of June 2018 and being continued.
* Conduct weekly reviews on improvement of enrolment in schools with the Head Master and to initiate follow up measures.
* It was decided last year that in Municipal Schools English is tbe Medium of instruction for classes I to V and in case of High Schools and UP Schools there exist parallel sections in some schools. In this regard you are informed that students shall be motivated to join in English Medium sections.
* Coordinate with MEPMA and ICDS officers at the ULB level for improving enrollment in Municipal Schools.

Primary Level: Programme of Action 2018-19 

*Instruct al1 the Head Masters of Primary and Upper Primary Schools to focus on the following.

Improving Enrollment of Students.
Distribution of Text Books to Students and constant monitoring to receive books from the School Education Department (MEO).
Entry of new Admissions in child info
Face lifting of Schools through Paintings, White Washing, School Sanitation, creation of facilities through local donors / CSR scheme.
Strict adherence to Academic Calendar 2018-19 and conduct of Activities.
Maintenance of Academic Guidance Register and recording of visitor's observations.

Work distribution to Secondary Grade Teachers: 

a) An analysis is to be made School wise on the enrollment vs Number of Secondary Grade Teachers positioned as per G.O.Ms.No. 210 MA&UD (01) Dept. dated 23.05.2017.

b) After ensuring the above, if surplus SGTs found in the ULB, then allot them to Primary & Upper Primary Schools based on the total enrollment of 1 to 5 classes in descending order.

c) Priority to the Senior Teachers to be given in allocation of surplus teachers to the schools.

d) In the ULBs where excess SG Teachers available, Monograde class system to be adopted i.e. 1 Class - 1 Teacher. This is applicable for the schools where enrollment of 1 to 5 classes exceeds 50.

e) Continue the SG Teachers who are working as subject teachers in AFC centers during 2018-19 also.

f) If there is shortage of teachers in Primary and Upper Primary Schools as per Rationalization norms engage Part-Time teachers immediately.

g) The honorarium may be given @ Rs. 5,000/- p rn to the Part-Time teachers engaged to teach I to V classes and Rs. 7,000/- p m to the Part-Time Teachers engaged against the required posts of Gr.Il LP & School Assistants in Upper Primary level.

h) Engaging the services of Part-Time Teachers is to be done by the School Management Committees and to be approved by the Commissioner of ULB. The process to be completed by 30.06.2018 and Part-Time Teachers to be positioned from 01.07.2018
onwards ..

i) The expenditure shall be met from the ULB funds concerned. Detailed financial guidelines will be given in due course.

j) The surplus LFL HMs ate to be adjusted in Primary and Upper Primary Schools based Oil the enrollment. LFL HMs are to be entrusted with the responsibility of handlingone class on par with other teachers.

* Work Books to students of classes I to V will be distributed shortly. These work sheets are reinforcement activities after the lesson is taught. Hence the students are made to complete the day-wise work sheets in the class room itself (Not for Home Work). After every 10 Days/Work sheets there will be one Assessment sheet - "Know your progress" to observe the child's progress in the subject.

* Progress Card will be given to each child in Telugu Work Book and it should be detached and to be maintained in the school.

* It is also proposed to conduct OMR based Common Practice Test (CPT) to 4th & 5th class students in all Municipal Schools in the State during 2018-1.9. Micro schedule will be

* It is also proposed to conduct "No Bag Day" for classes 1,2 and 3 once in a fortnight.

* It's also decided to continue the following School innovations - School post box, wall magazine, TLM corners, Class room library, Teacher's Dairy (Self evaluation of the day's
Teaching learning activities)

Work distribution of Grade LPs & School Assistants: 

The services of the Gr. Il LPs and School Assistants working in Upper Primary schools, where there is no optimum strength in the classes VI and vn shall be utilized in High Schools.
They should be deputed on work adjustment to the needy High
Schools (as per norms) Part-Time teachers may be engaged in their places.
In case of requirement of Subject teachers for Upper Primary Classes Part-Time Teachers may be engaged.

Work distribution of Subject Teachers in High Schools: 

Parallel Medium sections are allowed if the class strength is crossed 40 Students and the new section shall have a minimum of 35 students (RTE Act 2009).
Priority may be given to have English Medium sections in the School.
In the first instance surplus subject teachers working in High Schools should be adjusted to the needy High Schools.
Part time teachers are to be taken for the subjects as per need and requirement. A "Need Assessment Report" has to be submitted by the High School Head-Master to the Municipal Commissioner for engaging Part-Time teachers.
Requirement of Part-Time teachers are to be cross checked with number of Childrenl Sections.
In place of teachers who were deputed to AFCs, Part-Time teachers shall be engaged.
The honorarium for the Part-Time subject teachers in the High Schools is Rs. 8,000/­p rn and all the conditions will apply with regard to the process of engaging them. The
expenditure shall be met from the ULB Funds.
Part-time teachers are to be engaged in place of teachers deputed as State Academic Coordinators - Primary & High Schools.
Special focus is to be shown and individual attention is to be paid on Low Performers (Dl and D2)
Encourage 2 star and 3 star students of X class to get 10/10 GPA in forth coming Public Exams.
Head Masters to chalk out a detailed plan to improve the quality levels of all Children of classes of VI to X.

CFC & AFC Courses 

The Career Foundation Course Programme will be conducted for the students of classes VI to IX as it was done last year. Student's daily attendance will be captured
through Facial Recording System.
For X class Students there will be a separate programme designed to conduct Morning & Evening classes in all the 6 subjects. Special Tests, Cycle Tests etc will be conducted as per micro schedule.
AFC will be continued during 2018-19. Ensure a minimum of 40 students in each class.
In case of shortage of any subject Teacher in any AFe, Part-Time Teachers can be engaged with a monthly honorarium of Rs. 10,0001- to Rs.15,000/- based on their

The Municipal Commissioners concerned are requested to bestow their attention on the strengthening of AFCs.

Guidelines for engaging part-time Teachers: 

I. Candidate must possess the required qualification for teaching the subject.
ii. He/ She should have fluent English communicative skills.
iii. The process of identification, Scrutiny may be done by School management committees supported with 2 working Teachers handling Mathematics and English in
the High School.
iv. After scrutiny, the candidates shall be finalized school- wise by the Commissioner of the ULB concerned.
v. Transparency shall be maintained without deviating the procedure.
vi. Based on the experience and competency the honorarium for the Part-Time tutors may be paid and this expenditure may be met from the Funds of the concerned ULBs.
Financial guidelines will be communicated later.

General Instructions: 

* All the Municipal Commissioners are requested to send necessary proposals and get the concurrence from the RDMAs concerned for the adjustment of surplus teachers to
needy schools.

* After receipt of proposals from the MCs concerned, the RDMAs concerned shall issue work adjustment orders in respect of surplus teachers to needy schools.

* Regional conference for High School Head Masters will be organized in the month of July 2018 on analysis SSC results - 2018 and Plan of Action for 2018-19.

* No ULB coordinator shall take CFC classes, instead they shall monitor the CFC Programme as per their Job chart.

* Encourage children to join in English Medium sections (Classes VI to X) and also in CFC.

* Preference to be given to women Teachers to handle classes I & II in Primary & Upper Primary Schools.

* Keep the cell phones away during the Instructional Hours.

* Names of children to whom Transfer Certificates are issued shall be deleted from the child- info data (by the HM concerned).

* Engage the services of Part-time Computer Operator for CFC & 10lh Class CPT work @:

Rs.20001- per School per month as Honorarium.

* Encourage the Municipal Teachers to admit their school going children into our Municipal Schools & AFCs

* Ensure that each Upper Primary and High School shall have a Virtual, Digital class room sanctioned by Government.

* Review the Head Masters on the funds released by the SSA for School sanitation (Toilet maintenance) and if necessary arrangements may be made from ULB side.

* For the requirement of additional toilets for Girls/Boys, please send a proposal to the Swatchandhra Corporation and create an environment in schools to participate in "Swatch Vidhyalaya Award" competitions.

* Conduct monthly parent-teacher meetings for better improvement of children/schools.

2. All the RDMAs I Commissioners of (59) ULBs are hereby instructed to follow the above instructions and implement the activities during 2018-2019 for qualitative improvement of  MunicipalSchools in the State.

Further, all the Commissioners are requested to communicate the
above instructions to all the Head Masters of Primary, Upper Primary & High Schools functioning in their jurisdiction, without fail.

3. Any deviations noticed in this regard will be viewed seriously.


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