Tuesday 3 July 2018

AP MEOs to function as Drawing and Disbursing Officers for payment of salaries to Grant - In- Aid Teachers as per G.o.No:115

AP Mandal Educational Officers MEOs to function as Drawing and Disbursing Officers for payment of salaries to Grant - In- Aid Teachers as per G.O.Rt.No.115 Dated: .07.2018
School Education Rationalization of DDO codes of Aided Institutions under School Education Department for implementation of Comprehensive Financial Management System- To designate Mandal Educational Officers to function as Drawing and Disbursing Officers for payment of salaries to Grant - In- Aid Teachers -Orders-Issued as per G.O.Rt.No.115                                                           Dated: .07.2018

  • From the Commissioner of School Education, A.P., Ibrahimpatnam, Lr.Rc.No.96/AIII/2017, Dt.20.04.2018.

The Commissioner of School Education, A.P. in the reference read above has informed that, the Government have introduced Comprehensive Financial Management System, which will facilitate real time management of Public finances and the HR management in the state on preparation of budget, release of funds, distribution of funds to the DDOs, incurring expenditure, preparation and submission of bills by the DDOs etc.

AP MEOs to function as Drawing and Disbursing Officers for payment of salaries to Grant - In- Aid Teachers as per G.o.No:115

The Commissioner of School Education, A.P., has stated that at present the , Grant-in-Aid towards salaries are drawn institution wise with the counter signature of authorized authority i.e Assistant Director, O/o DEO of concerned district by submitting these bills in the treasury, where these institutions are geographically located. To facilitate this, multiple DDO codes are created in the name of the correspondent of the institution for each school or in the name of the Counter Signing authority for each treasury. In all these cases, the Ultimate competent authority is same i.e. countersigning authority. 

Further, the Commissioner of School Education, A.P., has stated that the institution concerned head to carry the bills to long distances to get the counter signature and to get back to submit in the concerned treasury. With the implementation of CFMS, which facilitate complete digital mode of transaction, there is no need to submit the physical bill in Treasury and these can be processed at district level (or) Mandal level irrespective of the fact that the institution is located at / with in the audit jurisdiction of treasury or not. As such she has requested the Government to permit the Mandal Educational Officers to function as Drawing and Disbursing Officers for Aided Institutions also.

After careful examination of the matter, Government hereby permit the Commissioner of School Education, A.P., Ibrahimpatnam to designate Mandal Educational Officers to function as Drawing and Disbursing Officers for payment of salaries to Grant - In- Aid Teachers and take further necessary action in consultation with Director of Treasuries and Accounts.

These orders issues with the concurrence of Finance (HR.V-TFR&A&L&EWF/2018) Department vide their U.O.No.25035/8/2018 -(HR.V-TFR&A&L&EWF/2018), Dated.26.06.2018.

The Commissioner of School Education, Andhra Pradesh, shall take necessary action accordingly.



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