Tuesday 10 July 2018

AP MJPAPBCWR Junior Intermediate Admissions 2018 Notificatio/Application

AP MJPAPBCWR Junior Intermediate Admissions 2018 Notificatio/Application at mjpapbcwr.in/Mahatma Jyothiba Phule Andhra Pradesh Backward Classes welfare Residential Junior College Admission into Junior Intermediate Admission Notification 2018 Admission Application form Download at mjpapbcwr.in/AP Mahatma Jyothiba Phule MJPAPBCWR Junior Intermediate Admissions 2018 Notificatio/Application form at mjpapbcwr.in.
AP MJPAPBCWR Junior Colleges Admission Notification and Admission Application Form Download at mjpapbcwr.in

AP Mahatma Jyothiba Phule MJPAPBCWR Junior Intermediate Admissions 2018 Notificatio/Application form at mjpapbcwr.in

Mahatma Jyothiba Phule Andhra Pradesh Backward Classes welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society MJPAPBCWREIS Admission into first year Intermediate of 12 Upgraded MJPAPBCWR Colleges vide G.O.Ms. No.17 BCW(B) Dept.20.07.2017 for the Academic year  2018-19


Followingare the norms for admissions in Intermediate 1st year:-


  1. The students should have passed SSC in first attempt in March/April,2018
  2. The students should apply within the Jurisdiction of the College.
  3. The Admissions will be done on the merit of the student in the SSC Examination, In case the merit is equal the Subject wise GPA Starting from Mathematics, Science, Social, English, Telugu and Hindi will be taken into count.
  4. The Medium of the instruction will be English In case there are unfilled seats in any category may be filled with BC students. 
  5. 75% of seats are reserved for students of BC Residential schools and BC Welfare Hostels and 25% of the seats may be allotted to the other students who have studied in Social welfare and Tribal Welfare Residential Schools, Hostels, Z.P. Schools or Private Schools.


The age of the student shall not exceed 17 years as on 31.08.2018.


The annual income of the parent of the applicant should not exceed Rs.1,00,000/- per annum,

Reservation :

The ratio of admission into MJPAPBCWREIS Residential Jr.Colleges, which is.

BCs– 74%(BC- A-20%,BC-B- 28%,BC-C-3%,BC-D-19%, BC-E- 4%)SCs- 15%STs- 6%EBCs- 2%Orphans- 3%Total - 100%

If no sufficient applications are received from outsiders, the vacancies will be filled in by students of MJPAPBCWREI School Students.

The list of 12MJPAPBCWR Junior Colleges with groups, sanctioned seats and admission eligibility from Districts for the academic year 2018-19 is enclosed herewith as Annexure-A. for applying to the Junior Colleges

  • The Last Date for submission of applications is 20.07.2018

The application can be downloaded from
www.mjpapbcwr.in. and application can be filled in the print out in their own hand writing

  • Intermediate 1st Year classes for the selected students will commence from 01.08.2018

For any other details contact the Principals, Junior Colleges MJPAPBCWREI Society mentioned in Annexure - A .

College wise Vacancies seat allotted Subject wise Allotted Seats list:

Admission will be carried out by a committee at the College level consisting of Principal, Asst. to the Principal and one Senior JL/PGT

The admission list will be approved by the Secretary MJPAPBCWREIS.

The approved list will be communicated to the students and displayed in
the School/ College notice board, and also displayed in www.mjpapbcwr.in Website

The Principal should admit the selected list of students and complete the admission process by uploading the names of the students in Jnanbhumi portal.


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