Wednesday 11 July 2018

AP RMSA Donations of books by Infosy Foundation to the School Libraries of Primary, UP and High Schools as per Rc.No.891

AP RMSA Donations of books by M/s Infosys Foundation, Bangalore to the School Libraries of Primary, Upper Primary and High Schools as per Rc.No.891/AP RMSA Donations of books by Infosy Foundation to the School Libraries of Primary, UP and High Schools as per Rc.No.891.
AP RMSA  Donations of books by M/s Infosys Foundation, Bangalore to the School Libraries of Primary, Upper Primary and High Schools in Krishna & Guntur Districts of Andhra Pradesh State - Certain Orders instructions Issued as per Rc.No.891/B /RMSA/2018 Dated:- 10.07.2018.

Letter No.nil, dated:-09.07.2018 received from M/s.Infosys Bangalore enclosed the list of (set of) donated books Foundation.

AP RMSA  Donations of books by Infosy Foundation to the School Libraries of Primary, UP and High Schools as per Rc.No.891.

Attention of all the District Educational Officers and District Project Coordinators,  RMSA of Krishna & Guntur Districts is invited to the subject mentioned above and are hereby informed that as you are aware that Libraries are meant for collection of sources of information and key access to knowledge gain to the Students.

M/s.Infosys Foundation, Bangalore had came forward for donation of such knowledgeable, motivational etc., books to all Primary, Upper Primary and High Schools in all Districts of Andhra Pradesh State. These include 165 books for library use to Primary/ Upper Primary Schools and 212(165+47) books for library use to High Schools which worth of Rs.10,OOO/- for Primary and RS.5,OOO/- for Secondary/ High Schools.

AP Free Books  donated by M/s.Infosys Foundation, Bangalore to all Primary/Upper Primary and High Schools for Library use 

M/s.Infosys Foundation, Bangalore shall deliver the books to the Mandal points free of cost from where the Mandal Educational Officers take responsibility to the Hand-over the same books to Head Masters/ Principals of all Primary/Upper Primary and High Schools concerned.

In this connection, both the District Educational Officers and District Project Coordinators of RMSA are requested to issue necessary instructions to all the Mandai Educational Officers under their jurisdiction to take delivery of the books which are being donated by M/s.Infosys Foundation, Bangalore to all Primary/Upper Primary and High Schools for Library use under their control with proper acknowledgement.

Also, they are requested to furnish the acknOWledgements obtained from the Mandai Educational Officers and Head Masters/ Principals of all Primary/Upper Primary and High Schools through their Mandai Educational Officers(MEOs) concerned to the RMSA State office for taking further necessary action.

Further the above District Educational Officers and District Project Coordinators, RMSA are requested to give specific instructions to all the Head Masters/ Principals of all Primary/Upper Primary and High Schools under their jurisdiction as follows:­

take delivery of the donated books i.e two set of boxes i.e., @165 books
the MEOs concerned and submit the acknowledgements to the DEOs office concerned and also to the concerned transport agency

make proper use the list of books donated by M/s.Infosys Foundation, Bangalore in the School Libraries enabling them to read them during their Library/ leisure hours.

Teachers under his control may be instructed to encourage the Students to read these books, wherever possible for competitions before the school anniversary/ important celebrations etc.

They may also be instructed to test the Students based on the stories from these books.

Feedback on the utilization of the books may be mailed to for further forwarding to M/s.Infosys Foundation, Bangalore.

In view of the above, both the District Educational Officers and District Project Coordinators of RMSA are hereby requested to take necessary action accordingly under intimation to this office


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