Thursday 12 July 2018

AP Special Teachers appointed on consolidated pay 398 per month Counting of Service for Notional Increments and AAS

AP Special Teachers appointed on consolidated pay 398 per month Counting of Service for Notional Increments and AAS Certain information as per Rc.No:443 and How to Submit 398 teachers details in cse portal step by step process/AP Special Teachers appointed on consolidated pay 398 per month Counting of Service for Notional Increments and AAS at official website at
AP School Education Special Teachers appointed on consolidated pay of Rs. 398/- per month Counting of Service for Notional Increments and Automatic Advancement Scheme Certain information called for as per RC.No.443,Estt-III ( D1- 2)/ 20D9 Dated 12. 07.2018

AP Special Teachers appointed on consolidated pay 398 per month Counting of Service for Notional Increments and AAS Certain information as per Rc.No:443

  • C &DSE Procs.Rc.No.443/D1 2/2009, Dated : 08.08.2011.
  • C &DSE Procs.Rc.No: 443/Estt.Ill (D1-2)/2009, dated: 11.05.2016.
  • Govtmemo No: 29603/ Services.ll /A.1/2013. dated: 26.09.2017.
  • Govt. Memo No.331611/Services.lI /A.I/2016, dated: 31.01.2018.

All the District Educational Officers in the State are informed that the data is required for calculation of Counting of Service for submission of proposals to the Government towards sanction of Notional Increments and automatic Advancement Scheme in respect of Special Teachers who are appointed in Rs. 398/ salary.

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Hence, a proforma has been designed and enabled in the website >Login >DEO, MEO and HM Iogins> Services> 398 Appointed Teachers.

Therefore, all the District Educational Officers. Mandal Educational Officers and Headmasters of High Schools in the State are requested to upload the Rs.398 Salary Special Teachers data on or before 19.07.2018 without full.

This should be treated as MOST URGENT

1 comment:

  1. Is the special teachers are eligible for earn leave from the date of joining


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