Wednesday 18 July 2018

AP State Best Teacher Awards 2018 Submission of Proposals Guidelines/Online Application

AP State Best Teacher Awards 2018 Submission of Proposals Guidelines Eligibility Criteria & Online Application as per Rc.No:126
AP State Best Teacher Awards 2018 - Submission of Proposals - Guidelines, Criteria, Online Application / State Awards to the Teachers for the Academic year 2018 -2019 Submission of Proposals by the District Selection Committee as per Rc.No.126 dated.17.07.2018.

AP State Best Teacher Awards 2018 Submission of Proposals Guidelines Eligibility Criteria & Online Application as per Rc.No:126

All the District  Educational  Officers in the state are informed that  the STATE AWARDS, 2018 to the Best Teachers  of Andhra Pradesh are being given every year on the Teachers' day i.e.,   5th  September.  I    am to further  inform  that  Awards  are  proposed to be given to the deserving teachers & Teacher Educators working under the categories at a State Function will be held on 5th September, 2018.

The District  Educational Officers  in the  state are further  informed  that  the  Teachers have to apply for the State Awards through online in the CSE website

The Government  through the references read  above has given certain guidelines for selection of the teachers along with   selection criteria and procedure duly evolving a proforma for recommending   the  teachers   &   Teacher   Educators  for State  Awards  by the  Inspecting   Officers   and  Selection   Committees   at  each  District, Mandal, Divisional  and State  level.

Teachers with at least 20 years of Teaching Experience and Teacher Educators working in DIETs/lASEs/ CTEs and  Physical  Education   Colleges  are  eligible and recommend  the  teachers  duly  following   the  points  of criteria   for  awards:

The Academic Standards of his Students.
Teaching Methodology being followed by the teacher.
Innovation done by the teacher.
Special efforts  of teacher to improve enrollment,  and retention.
Sincerity and Commitment towards the job like regularity  of attendance,  not bringing any political  pressure for transfers etc.,.
Willingness to work in Interior areas.


  1. Mandal Educational Officer.
  2. Headmaster of Local Government /M.P /Upper Primary Schools
  3. One member from outside the Mandal (DIET,  Lecturer/Headmaster  of Govt./Z.P.    H.S).

The   quorum   of   the   Committee Educational    Officer    shall   enlist    the  eminent    Teachers   of   Primary/Upper    Primary Schools in his jurisdiction  and  place  their  particulars   before  the Selection   Committee and send the  selected  list  through  online  with  recommendations containing not  more than one teacher for  each   of   the   above   categories to the District Selection Committee.


  • Deputy Educational Officer.
  • Senior Lecturer in DIET /Lecturer  in College of Teachers Education/ Institute of Advanced Studies in Education
  • Eminent Educationist.

The quorum of  the  Committee  shall be two  (2)  members. The Deputy Educational Officer  shall enlist  the  eminent  teachers of  High Schools in his jurisdiction   and place their particulars  before the  Selection Committee  and send the  selected list   through online with recommendations,  not  more  than  one  teacher  for  each of  the  above categories,  to  the District Selection Committee.


  • District Collector.
  • District Educational Officer.
  • Principal of DIET.
  • Eminent Educationist.
  • Any other District Level Officer (Nominated by District Collector).
  • Representative of Good Voluntary Organization interested in Education.

The  quorum  of  the   Committee   shall  be  four   (4)  members.   The  District Educational Officer  shall  place  the  proposals with  recommendations  regarding the Teachers  received from Mandal Educational officers  and Deputy Educational Officers and Principals of DIETs/lASEs/CTEs/College  of Physical Education  before the  District Selection Committee for selection of the Best Teachers.

The recommendations  regarding the  selected  teachers,  which  should not  be more  than  one  teacher   from  each  category,  shall  be  sent  through  online  duly uploading  the    Certificate   of  antecedents  and  character I     marks awarded  by the Committee to the State Selection Committee.

The Principals of DIETs/lASEs/CTEs /Colleges of Physical Education shall enlist the  eminent  Teacher Educators under  his/her  control  and  place  their   particulars before the  District  Level Selection Committee  through  District  Educational Officer, which will  select not more than one Teacher Educator for each of the categories i.e., Senior Lecturers in DIETs/lASEs/CTEsand Lecturers in College of Physical Education.


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