Friday 6 July 2018

Clarifications regarding creamy layer amongst OBCs

Clarifications regarding creamy layer amongst OBCs as per central govt No. 36033/5/2004-Estt(Res)
States /Union Territories Clarifications regarding creamy layer amongst OBCs as per central govt No. 36033/5/2004-Estt(Res)

Clarifications regarding creamy layer amongst OBCs 

The Chief Secretaries of all the States /Union Territories directed to invite your attention to the Schedule to this Department's G.OMS No.36012/22/ 93-(SCT) dated 5th September, 1993 which contains the

criteria to determine the creamy layer amongst the OBCs. 

In regard to the children of the persons in civil services of the Central and the State Governments, it provides that son(s) and daughter(s) of:

(a) parents, both of whom are directly recruited Class I/Group A officers;

(b) parents, either of whom is a directly recruited Class I/Group A officer;

(c) parents, both of whom are directly recruited Class I/Group A officers, but one of them dies or suffers permanent incapacitation;

(d) parents, either of whom is a directly recruited Class I/Group A officer and such parent dies or suffers permanent incapacitation and before such death or such incapacitation has had the benefit of employment in any International Orgainsation like UN, IMF, World Bank, etc. for a period of not less than 5 years:

(e) parents, both of whom are directly recruited Class I/Group A officers and both of them die or suffer permanent incapacitation and before such death or such incapacitation of the both, either of them has had the benefit of employment in any International Orgainsation like UN, IMF, World Bank, etc. for a period of not less than 5 years;

(f) parents both of whom are directly recruited Class II/Group B officers;

(g) parents of whom only the husband is a directly recruited Class II /Group B officer and he gets into Class I//Group A at the age of 40 or earlier;

(h) parents. both of whom are diacctly mecuitecl Class fl/ Group B officers


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