Monday 14 June 2021

AP Jagananna Vidya Kanuka Procurement and supply of Oxford ‘Compact English-English-Telugu Dictionary’ to all the students

AP Jagananna Vidya Kanuka Procurement and supply of Oxford ‘Compact English-English-Telugu Dictionary’ to all the students

AP Jagananna Vidya Kanuka Procurement and supply of Oxford ‘Compact English-English-Telugu Dictionary’ to all the students | AP School Education “Jagananna Vidya Kanuka”  Procurement and supply of Oxford ‘Compact English-English-Telugu Dictionary’ to all the students studying in classes VI to X in all Government Management Schools for the Academic Year 2021-22 under Jagananna Vidya Kanuka (JVK) Administrative Approval  Accorded Orders issued as per G.O.MS.No. 36 Dated: 14-06-2021

AP Jagananna Vidya Kanuka Procurement and supply of Oxford ‘Compact English-English-Telugu Dictionary’ to all the students

1. G.O.Ms.No.12, SE(Prog.II) Dept., dt.12.03.2020 

2. From the DSE, AP, File No. SS-16/1/2020-CMO SEC-SSA, dt.10.12.2020. 

3. G.O.M.No.21, SE(Prog.II) Dept., dt.10.3.2021. 

4. From the DSE/SPD, APSS e-File No: SS-16021/40/2021-CMO SEC-SSA (Computer No: 1413845), dt.21.5.2021. 

1. The Government of Andhra Pradesh have launched Jagananna Vidya Kanuka on 8th of October, 2020 to supply Student Kits before the start of every academic year consisting of (3) pairs of uniforms Cloth, Text Books, set of Notebooks, a pair of shoes and two pairs of socks, a belt & School bag to all the students studying from Classes I to X in all Government management Schools, on par with their counterparts attending private schools, to enhance the self confidence of the students coming from BPL house holds and thereby reduce dropout rate and improve learning outcomes in Govt schools. 

2. In the G.O. 3rd read above Government have accorded administrative approval to procure & supply Students Kit under “Jagananna Vidya Kanuka” with an budget estimates of 731.30 crores (Central share Rs.230.68 cr + State share Rs.500.62 cr) for the Academic Year 2021-2022 and to launch the scheme on the day of reopening of schools for the Academic Year 2021-22. Government have further ordered therein to procure & supply Dictionary to the students under “Jagananna Vidya Kanuka”. 

3. In the reference 4th read above, Director of School Education and the State Project Director, Samagra Shiksha, have informed that, the High Level Committee constituted for procurement and supply of all the components of student kits under “Jagananna Vidya Kanuka” for the Academic Year 2021-22, have scrutinised various Dictionaries available in the market and observed their specifications and decided to supply two types of Dictionaries for classes I to V (Picture Dictionary with simple and age appropriate words to be prepared by the SCERT) and for classes VI to X (Oxford Compact English-English-Telugu Dictionary) in all Government Management Schools. The Oxford University Press

India have elaborated the features of the Oxford English-English-Telugu Dictionary are, a) 24,000 head words, idioms, phrasal verbs and derivatives, phrases, b) 13,000 example sentences, c) 2,000 key words which are most important to know in English, d) 1100 antonyms & synonyms, e) 200 illustrations, f) 500 notes on spellings, grammar and pronunciation, g)Sections on prepositions, irregular words and geographical names etc.,. Further, it is a known fact that the Dictionary helps to master important skills such as proper pronunciation, word meanings, derivatives and usage, navigating and understanding cross references in meanings, grasping confusing and commonly mistaken words and understanding grammar concepts and using them properly. English has become not only a global language, but also in most of the cases, a livelihoods language and understanding the English vocabulary, usage and grammar have become a prerequisite for learners all over the world. In this context, Oxford English Dictionary is the updated Dictionary as it carries the latest and updated vocabulary and the contents are of global standards. A child accustomed to refer to that Dictionary from his high school days would not find any difficulty in transition when he joins his post metric studies and also when he enters the global environment for higher studies or for employment. It provides a near accurate rendering of the English meaning in contemporary Telugu usage also, so as to make the child understand the meaning through their mother tongue. The compact size of the Dictionary helps the students to carry it from home to school and use it as a ready reference any time. 

4. The Director of School Education and State Project Director, AP Samagra Shiksha have further stated that as per General Financial Rules and procurement guidelines of Samagra siksha, procurement under single source will not come under single tender process and they have therefore proposed to procure Oxford Compact English-English-Telugu Dictionary as a part of Jagananna Vidya Kanuka kit, to all the students from class VI to X on nomination basis. In this regard, they have stated that the High Power Committee constituted for implementing Jagananna Vidya Kanuka scheme, shall negotiate the price and the detailed specifications to be followed including the delivery schedules and also ensures that the Dictionary is supplied with Navaratnalu logo on the back cover page of the Dictionary. 

5. Government, after careful examination of the matter, hereby accord permission to procure the Oxford ‘Compact English-English-Telugu Dictionary’, for supply to the children studying in Government schools i.e., Government/ MPP / Municipal/ Residential Schools of Education & Welfare Departments/ Ashram Schools/ Aided Schools/ Model Schools/ KGBVs/ Registered Madarsas in the State from Class VI to X (23,59,504) under Jagananna Vidya Kanuka (JVK), keeping in view the present and future English learning requirements of the children studying in Government schools. 

6. The Director of School Education, AP and the State Project Director, APSS shall meet the expenditure from the existing allocation for FY 2021-2022.

7. The Director of School Education and the State Project Director, Samagra Shiksha shall take further necessary action accordingly in the matter. 

8. This order issues with the concurrence of the Finance (FMU-SE) Department vide U.O.No.FIN01FMU0ASD(SE)/42/2019(Computer No.1004380), dt.31.05.2021.

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