Wednesday 16 June 2021

AP School Education Universal provisioning of quality ECCE by 2030 in a phased manner

AP School Education Universal provisioning of quality ECCE by 2030 in a phased manner

AP School Education Universal provisioning of quality ECCE by 2030 in a phased manner Implementation plan for School Education Universal provisioning of quality ECCE by 2030 in a phased manner Transformation from 10+2 academic structure to 5+3+3+4 structure News item published in The Hindu News paper as per Memo.No.23/A&I/ 2021 Dated:16/06/2021

AP School Education Universal provisioning of quality ECCE by 2030 in a phased manner 

AP School Education National Education Policy 2020 Implementation plan for School Education Universal provisioning of quality ECCE by 2030 in a phased manner Transformation from 10+2 academic structure to 5+3+3+4 structure News item published in The Hindu News paper on 14.06.2021 Ofce bearers of the FAPTO Explanation  Called for

1) Andhra Pradesh Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964 

2) G.O.Ms.No.264, General Administration (Service Welfare) Dept.,Dated:22.06.2001.

3) This ofce Circular.No.22/A&I/2021, Dated:10.04.2021.

4) This ofce Cir.No.102/A&I/2020, Dated:30.05.2021.

5) Lr.No.31/FAPTO/2021, Dated:05.06.2021 from the Chairman, FAPTO.

6) News items published in The Hindu News papers on 14.06.2021.

With reference to the news item published in Prajasakthi News papers on 14.06.2021 that, the Principal Ofce Bearers of FAPTO have conducted a press conference on implementation of National Education Policy in the State of Andhra Pradesh and they have demanded that the Government to drop the school restructuring programme stating that, as it would further contribute to school dropout rate, curtail the number of teacher posts and urged to continue the existing education structure. 

Further, in ref 4th cited, this ofce has issued detailed guidelines and explained the ideology of NEP 2020 as well as the line of thinking of the State Government and requested the senior ofcers, associations etc., to exercise the possibilities and to propose the best mapping of existing schools to transform to the new structure of 5+3+3+4 duly focusing on ECCE & FLN. Accordingly, in ref 5th cited, the FAPTO has submitted their remarks on implementation of NEP 2020 and the remarks are being examined by this ofce and no communication has been sent by this ofce either accepting or rejecting their remarks. While the matter is being examined by this ofce, the association has gone to the press making irresponsible and misleading statements against the circular instructions issued to the District Education Ofcers and RJDs.

As per the rule 2 (b) of the AP Civil Services (Recognition of Service Association) Rules, 2001 vide G.O.Ms.No.264, General Administration (Service Welfare) Dept., Dated: 22.06.2001 states that, the Government may withdraw the recognition accorded to any service association after giving an opportunity to that association of making a representation against such withdrawal, if the service association does not confne its meetings only to its members or if it permits the proceedings of any meeting to be open to the press or to any person other than a member;

Further, as per the Rule (14) of AP Conduct Rules, 1964, no Government employee shall, except accordance with any general or special order of Government, communicate directly or indirectly any official dociment or any of its contents or any ofcial information, to any Government employee not authorized to receive the same, or to any non-ofcial person or the Press.

Further, previously show cause notices were issued to the some of the Principal Ofce bearers of teachers Association and initiated disciplinary action for making misleading statements in the press against the policies of the government the ofce bearers were given strict warning to the concerned.

Further, in ref 3rd cited, certain guidelines/ instructions were issued to all the ofcers/ employees/teachers and service association working under the control of Director of School Education to follow the AP Civil Services (Recognition of Service Association) Riles, 2001 and AP Civil Services (conduct) Rules 1964 strictly.

In view of the above, the State President / General Secretary are directed to submit their explanation within (0) days from the date receipt of these orders, why disciplinary action should not be initiated against them for going to the press without seeking any clarifcation from the undersigned and for misleading the public, teachers, parents and children and for creating a sense of anxiety among the stakeholders by their irresponsible press statements, which is against the AP Civil Services (Recognition of Service Association) Rules, 2001 and AP Civil Services (conduct) Rules 1964 in the matter. In case no reply is received within the stipulated time it will be recommended to the respective competent authorities to initiate disciplinary action against them as it will be presumed that they have no explanation to submit in this regard

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