Thursday 3 June 2021

Delegation of Powers to Joint Collectors posts at District Level were re-designated

Delegation of Powers to Joint Collectors posts at District Level were re-designated

Delegation of Powers to Joint Collectors posts at District Level were re-designated : District Administration Visting of Authority to the Jt. Collectors Delegation of Powers to Joint Collectors posts at District Level were re-designated| à°œిà°²్à°²ాà°¸్à°¥ాà°¯ిà°²ో à°¸ంà°¯ుà°•్à°¤ à°•à°²ెà°•్à°Ÿà°°్à°²ు à°­ాà°¦్యత వహింà°šే à°¶ాà°–à°² à°°ిà°¡ిà°¸ైà°¨్ à°šేà°¸్à°¤ూ ఉత్తర్à°µుà°²ు

Delegation of Powers to Joint Collectors posts at District Level were re-designated

Dear Spl Chief Secretaries/ Principal Secretaries /Secretaries,

District Administration - Strengthening of District Administration Visting of Authority to the Jt. Collectors Delegation of Powers to Joint Collectors - as per D.O. Lr. No. GAD01 SERVOMISC /31/ 2021, Dated: 19.05.2021

You are aware that vide reference 1 cited, 13 additional Joint Collector posts were created and the three Joint Collector posts at District Level were re-designated as 

(i) Joint Collector (Rythu Bharosa & Revenue) 

(ii) Joint Collector (Village/Ward Secretariat & Development) and 

(iii) Joint Collector (Asara & Welfare) 

To streamline and improve service delivery for the Government services at District level. Similarly, vide reference 1 & 2nd cited, subjects / departments were assigned to the 3 joint collectors as follows:

Joint Collector, Rythu Bharosa and Revenue (JC - RBGR)

  1. Agriculture 
  2. Civil Supplies Departments
  3. Marketing and Cooperation 
  4. Animal Husbandry
  5. Horticulture
  6. Fisheries 
  7. Sericulture
  8. Revenue and Survey 
  9. Natural Disaster Management
  10. Irrigation 
  11. Law & Order 
  12. Excise and Prohibition 
  13. Mines and Geology
  14. Energy

Joint Collector, Village & Ward Secretariat and Development (JC-V. WS & D)

1. Department of Village & Ward Secretariat and Village and Ward Volunteers 

2. Panchayat Raj

3. Health & Family Welfare 

4. School Education

5. Technical Education

6. Higher Education 

7. Municipal Administration and Urban Development

8. Housing Meeseva, 

9. RTG & ITE&C Department

10. All Engineering Department except Energy & Irrigation

11. Department of Women & Child Welfare

Joint Collector, Aasara and Welfare (JC-A & W)

  • Departments Rural Development (DRDA & DWMA)
  • BC Welfare
  • SC Welfare
  • Tribal Welfare
  • Disabled Welfare
  • Minorities Welfare
  • Industries & Commerce
  • Endowments
  • Skill Development

Vide reference 3rd cited, the Government have constituted a Committee chaired by the Chief Secretary for detailed delegation of powers to Joint Collectors and for suggesting modification of Rules Acts as per requirement. 

The Committee, after several deliberations, has communicated the suggestions prescribed for each Secretariat Department Head of Department for distributing functions at District level between Collector Joint Collector District Head of Department vide reference 4th cited. A copy of the same is enclosed for ready reference. 

As per the procedure thus prescribed, all the departments have prepared and submitted the required information in Annexure - 1, 2 & 3. After further deliberations, the Committee has made the following key observations:

It has been observed that there are no clear delegation of powers to the Joint Collectors even though the departments were assigned to them.

Clear description of powers and functions delegated to the Joint Collectors shall bring in clarity in this respect and improve the effectiveness of the day to-day functioning of the Joint Collectors.

As many departments have District Officers in each district, the suggested delegation of powers and functions should not make the role of the District Officer redundant, on the various governance channels at the district level, resulting in better service delivery.

It is opined by the Committee that the proposed delegation of powers and functions to the Joint Collectors shall in no way undermine the powers and functions of the District Collector, as the powers of oversight and review shall be vested in the District Collector only.

The Departments can explore further and come up with a comprehensive list of powers and functions that can be further delegated to the Joint Collectors and should also clearly demarcate the functions of their District Heads.

In view of the above, I request you to prepare a comprehensive draft Government Order (Draft G.O.) pertaining to your Secretariat Department (including all the State HODs and District HoDs) for delegation of functions and authority to Joint Collectors and circulate a file for approval of the same by the Chief Secretary through Principal Secretary to Government (Services & HRM). The file, as mentioned above, should be circulated within 7 days i.e. by 25.05.2021.

A copy of the Annexures 1,2 & 3 submitted by you (your Department) is enclosed for ready reference.

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