Sunday 4 July 2021

Andhra Pradesh Samagra Shiksha (APSS) Guidelines to utilize various grants

Andhra Pradesh Samagra Shiksha (APSS) Guidelines to utilize various grants released by the State Project Office 2020-21| సమగ్ర శిక్ష వారి గ్రాంట్స్ ఎల

Andhra Pradesh Samagra Shiksha (APSS) Guidelines to utilize various grants released by the State Project Office 2020-21| సమగ్ర శిక్ష వారి గ్రాంట్స్ ఎలా ఖర్చు చేయాలి-సంబంధిత వివరములు

Andhra Pradesh Samagra Shiksha (APSS) Guidelines to utilize various grants

To implement the innovative program called "Talent Search at School level to improve the Competitive skills in the children" for identified secondary & Sr.Secondary schools in the district Rs. 1000 was released to each school.

This Programme will be implemented from Class gth to 12 h in all Government management Secondary & Sr.Secondary School teachers in the year 2020-2021 with following guidelines:

Guidelines for implementation of Programme:

To prepare certain pool of text items regarding Talent Search and Aptitude at District Level before the commencement of the programme.

Issuing the tentative calendar to the schools for the conduct of test Each district to create certain pool of questionnaire Test

To issue instructions to all the MEOs and HMS to conduct the test at school level through online mode. Implementation of the Talent Search programme for students of 9th and 12th classes across all high schools& Secondary schools in the state wide in the month of January 2021.

To conduct a tab-based assessment for the students across the district on a scale. • To conducted psychometric assessment as part of career guidance and life skills programme using Virtual Classrooms setup in schools Based on feasibility, it is proposed to conduct this talent search aptitude test for all students through the above- mentioned modes along with the OMR mode. 

Head-Masters will be given orientation on conducting this test at school level while other stakeholders at District and Block levels are oriented to oversee the programme and ensure that it is conducted in a benefitting manner. Based on the test, identifying the topper students and encourage them to state level and national level talent search examination like NTSE, Olympiad and other competitions. 

To issue the appreciation certificate at school level for the toppers and participants.

State Council for Educational Research & Training (SCERT), AP will guide the districts during the implementation of the programme,

To communicate the State level and National Level various types examinations. Notifications are to be issued to encourage the students to participate in the exam.

To furnish the list of students benefited from this programme

To document the programme with photos and case studies, and testimonials (For more details read Prgs.Rc.No.SS-15024/119/2020-SAMO-55A0-1 dated 17.11.2020 of the State Project Director, APSS, Amaravathi)

COMPLEX (CRC) GRANT For each School Complex (CRC) Rs.22,000/- was released to utilize as detailed below:

1. Contingent Grant

2. Meeting & TA

3.TLM Grant

4. Maintenance Grant 5 Mobility Support for CRC 

5.Total CRC Grant

Guidelines to utilize CRC Grants:

A. Contingency Grant- Rs.10,000/- :

Maintenance of ROTS

Procurement of Registers, Records, Stationary etc.,

Teacher Reference Books as per the list communicated by SPO.

Purchase of Educational CDs. • Providing Tea & Refreshments to the participants.

Postage & Xerox.

Requirement School Complex meetings.

B. Meeting & TA Grant- Rs.1,000/-:

Conveyance for School visit to the School Complex HM @ Rs.500/- per month- Rs.5000/- per annum (Minimum under schools once ina month) subject to furnishing of school visit report to DPO/DEO.

Other items any as per requirement from the savings of the above items. School Monitoring.

Reviews with Headmaster of Primary and Upper Primary Schools.

TLM Grant - Rs. 5,000/- per annum.

Procurement of material for preparation of TLM in the School Complex Meetings.

Procurement of permanent TLM. Purchase of Educational magazines.

Other contingencies if any to meet from the savings of the above items.

Requirement in School Complex. meetings.

C. Maintenance Grant- Rs.5,000/- : Maintenance of Computers.

Maintenance of TV.

Maintenance of Digital Infrastructure.

D. Mobility Support for CRC: (Rs.1000/- per School in the complex)

An additional support of Rs.1,000/- per school was estimated under this intervention for CRC Coordinator to visit the School frequently and provide onsite academic support, organize monthly meeting to discuss academic issues and design strategies for better Visits Schools regularly. 

Furnish the report to their higher officers.

Upload the visit reports in the app To rectify the gaps in the Schools.(For details read Prgs.Rc.No.SS-15024/92/2020-SAMO-SSA-1 dated more 17.11.2020 of the State Project Director, APSS, Amaravathi)

3.Mandal Resource Centre (BRC) GRANT ::

For each Mandal Resource Centre (BRC) Rs. 1,25,000/- was released to utilize as detailed below:

1. Contingent Grant Maintenance Grant

2. Meeting & TA

3. TLE/TLM Grant

4. Additional Grant for support of Secondary Level Total MRC Grant

5. Guidelines to utilize CRC Grants:

A. Contingency Grant- Rs.30,000/- :

Payment of electricity bills and telephone bills.

Repairs of Computer and TV. Purchase of chairs and carpets as needed for meetings.

To purchase stationary.

For the management of MRCS.

B. Maintenance Grant- Rs. 10,000/- : This should be used in conforming to the central concept of Mandal Resource Management.

C. Meeting & TA - Rs. 25,000/- : To collect information and reports from schools, to meet the travel expenses. Maintenance of MEOs meeting. Payment of travel allowance to subject experts & MRC Staff For conveyance charges for school visits.

D. TLE/TLM Grant Rs.10,000/- : To compile library books (eg: Teacher Reference Books, NCERT / Other State reference books), To purchase Children's CDs. To purchase TLM kits designed by various organizations.

Management of mandal level fairs. Conducting children's talent contest and quiz competition. Establishment of Science Corners in MRC.

E. Additional Grant for support of Secondary Level- Rs.50,000/- : The MHRD has recommended financial support of Rs.50,000/- from the academic year 2020-21 at BRC for academic support to secondary level for improve the quality education. It includes workshops Rs.40,000/- and Review Meeting Rs. 10,000/-.

Additional Grant is released to the MRCS towards conduct of Spot Valuation Camps, Mandal Level Subject Teachers review meeting / Debates on results analysis and for identification of Learning Gaps, Preparation of Teaching Strategies based on the Learning gaps, id-entities, Review Meetings / Debates.

Spot Valuation Camps: To conduct subject wise spot valuation camps at BRC level.

Answer scripts of SA-I & SA-Il examinations of all Schools in the Block / Mandal including Private Schools to be evaluated at BRC level in BRC spot valuation camps (Subject wise).

Subject teachers of all schools of all managements to be participated in the mandal level spot valuation camps.

Analysis of SA-I & SA-Il results:

After completion of valuation of answer scripts, subject teachers schools should participate to analyze the school wise results of all MEOS should conduct review meeting / debate on results after completion of spot valuation.

MEOS should inform the DIET faculty to participate in the debate / review meeting and to guide the subject teachers on learning gaps.

Subject teachers should participate in the review meeting / debate to find out the misconceptions in the question papers.

MEOS should submit the learning gaps identified by the subject teachers and teaching strategies prepared by the subject to the concerned division and district level officials (For more details read Prgs. Rc.No.SS-15024/136/2020-SAMO-SSA dated 12.09.2020 of the State Project Director, APSS, Amaravathi)

Safety Grant:

A. The programme has intention to focus in the following two approaches: A. Safety and Security programme at School Level. Amount released @Rs. 500/- per school as detailed below:


2.Elementary Level Secondary & Sr. Secondary Level

B. Orientation Programme for Amount released @Rs. 1000/-


2.Elementary Level Secondary & Sr. Secondary Level

C. Teachers on Safety and Security. per teacher as detailed below:

The programme will be implemented from Class 1 to Class: 12th in all Government schools, teachers in the year 2020-21with following guidelines by providing one day orientation with the subject experts at complex level in view of the COVID-19 for safety and security at school.

To use masks for orientation of Covid-19 precautionary measures. 

Orientation on how to secure valuable educational belonging, costly gadgets like TV, Computers, Library Books and old records. 

How to protect digital class rooms, virtual class rooms, to protect the other infrastructure like chairs, tables, benches etc. 

How to protect school environment from the unsocial elements.

To provide counselling to the students. School safety pledge is to be put up on the board or on all walls at prominent places in the school.(For more details read Prgs.Rc.No.55-15024/128-SAMO-SSA dated 10.11.2020 of the State Project Director, APSS, Amaravath!)

Get More Guidelines to utilize various grants Click here


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