Thursday 22 July 2021

APCOST SCERT Training program to Govt School Teachers on Virtual Teaching in collaboration with Science City of AP

APCOST SCERT Training program to Govt School Teachers on Virtual Teaching in collaboration with Science City of AP

APCOST SCERT Training program to Govt School Teachers on Virtual Teaching in collaboration with Science City of AP

APCOST SCERT Training program to Govt School Teachers on Virtual Teaching in collaboration with Science City of AP

SCERT. A.P. APCOST, Vijayawada Proposed to organize Training program to Govt School Teachers on Virtual Teaching in collaboration with Science City of AP & M/s Tutoroot Technologies Pvt. Ltd.Hyderabad Request to select 4 teachers from each district Reg.

Read Letter No.APCOST/P-29/Training on Virtual Teaching/2021-22 dated 19.07.2021 of Vijayawada Andhra Pradesh the Member Secretary. APCOST.

While enclosing a copy of the reference read above, all the District Educational Officers in the state are informed that the Member Secretary, APCOST. Vijayawada. Andhra Pradesh desires to organize a training program ertitled Virtual Teaching for Govt School Teachers in association with the School Education Department and Science City of A.P. with expertise ava lable with M/s Tutoroot Technologies Pvt Ltd. Hyderabad on FREE of COST

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Further they are informed that this training program will help the teachers to prepare online content using various teaching tools, set up. virtual class rooms, interact with their students administer virtual assignments and evaluation of online assignments etc. which is very useful to teachers in the current scenario The training is intended to organize only on four (4) Saturdays @ 1 hour per day (preferably 5.00 PM to 6.00 PM). The components and main features of this training are detailed here under

Features :

Certificate Program on Virtual training

Duration: 3 weeksInteractive Sessions 4(Only on Saturdays) Duration of Each Session:60 Minutes (preferably 5.00PM to 6.00PM)

Hands on Project 2 Duration of Each Project: 1 week 


Introduction to Virtual Teaching

Getting ready Set-up for Virtual Training

Making an effective presentation How to create a voice note

How to run an online class session & How to run an online class Test

How to provide feedback to the students Certificate

Methodology :

Hands on approach in the training session through the talented, experienced and professional trainers O Interactive and facilitative approach to training session courses Training tools are thought-provoking challenging and informative

Pre-assessment & Making the objective clear Access to technology tools& Setting standards

Practice to achieve perfection & To listen and correct Continuous improvement

In view of the above, the Director of School Education, A.P has accorded permission to APCOST. Vijayawada. Andhra Pradesh to conduct Virtual Teaching for Govt School Teachers in coordination with the District Educational Officers in the State.

Therefore, all the DEOS in the state are requested to select 4 teachers from their respected jurisdictions (avoid repetition of Teachers) and submit their deta Is in proforma given below directly to APCOST mail ( on or before 21.07.2021 duly extending a copy to this office without fail for taking further action in the matter.

Get Download more information click here


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