Thursday 15 July 2021

Certain court cases filed by the teachers working in MPP ZPP Schools in the limits of Municipal Corporation as per Rc.No.13029

Certain court cases filed by the teachers working in MPP ZPP Schools in the limits of Municipal Corporation as per Rc.No.13029

AP School Education Certain court cases filed by the teachers working in MPP ZPP Schools in the limits of Municipal Corporation/ Municipalities to continue them in the same schools Dismissal of WPs by the Hon'ble High Court Certain Instructions Issue as per Rc.No.13029/ 11/2021-EST3 Dated:15/06/2021

Certain court cases filed by the teachers working in MPP ZPP Schools in the limits of Municipal Corporation as per Rc.No.13029

Read. This Procs.13029/1i/2021-EST 3-CSE dated 15-02-2021 

2. Press Note  Dt.15.02.202l of  the SEC, A.P.,

3.  This  Procs.13029/11/2021-EST 3-CSE  dated.17-02-2021. 

4.  Orders Dt.01.04.2021 of the Hon'blebHigh  Courtof A.P. has  issueddismissal ordersin W.A. No's 80,81,82,83,84,93, 95, 104, 105, 108, 129,130,135,139,142 and143 of 2021.

1. The attention of all Regional Joint Directors of School Education and all the District Educational Officers in the State are invited to the reference 4th cited where in the Hon'ble High Courtof A.P. has issued dismissal orders in W.A.No's 80,81,82,83,84, 93, 95, 104, 105, 108, 129, 130, 135,139,142 and 143 of 2021 as follows:

"30. In view of the above discussion, we find no good ground to inter fere with the order of the learned single Judge. 

31. Beforeparting,we would Hke to observethat notwithstanding the dismissal of the writ appeals, the respondents would scrupulously follow the submisslons and concessions of the learned Advocate General, based on instructions received, which are recordedin Paragraph 20 of the presentjudgment. 

32. The Writ Appeals are, accordingly, dismissed, subject to observations as made in Paragraph 31 above.

33. No orderas to costs. Pending miscellaneous applications, If any, shall stand closed."

2. In this connection,all the Regional Joint Directorsof School Educationand all the DistrictEducationalOfficers in the State are instructed to followthe following instructions:

i. the teachers (who have completed8 years in same schooland come under compulsory transfer but continuedwith Hon'ble court orders) will be givenoptionto choosefrom the left over vacanciesin the transfer counselling (teacherless schools/ single teacherneedy schoolsin category-IV &I1) by conducting counselling and place them in optedplacesbetween16-06-2021 and 30-06-2021 (as per the normsof G.0.Ms.No.54 dated12-10-2020) by way of counselling 

ii. Informthe concerned teachersthat they shallbe givenone more opportunity to exercise their options once again in the ensuing transfer counseling, even though they do not complete two years of serviceas per the directions of Hon'bleHigh court.

iii. Fill up the vacancies arose due to shiftingof said teachersfrom the schools located in Municipal limits through work adjustment until  AP furtherorders.

Further,all the RegionalJoint Directors of School Education and all the District Educational Officers in the State are requested to file counter affidavit basingon the abovejudgmentin the Hon'bleHigh Courtof A.P.,if any cases pending with regard to the teachers working in MPP/ZPP Schools in the limitsof Municipal Corporation /Municipalities to continuethem in the same schools immediately. 

4 All the RegionalJoint Directors of School Education and all the District Educational Officersin the State are informedthat if the orders are not compliedactionwill be initiated as per A.P.C.S(CC&A) Rules,1991 as per the rulesin vogue.

Encl:Copy of the ordersof the Hon'bleHC daed 01-04-2021.

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