Thursday 8 July 2021

How generate redgram dal reciept confirmation acknowledgement HMs/MEOs logins

How generate redgram dal reciept confirmation acknowledgement HMs/MEOs logins step by step process download redgram dal reciept confirmation acknowled

How generate redgram dal reciept confirmation acknowledgement HMs/MEOs logins step by step process download redgram dal reciept confirmation acknowledgement

How generate redgram dal reciept confirmation acknowledgement HMs/MEOs logins

Dear all Mandal MDM teams are informed that dal reciept confirmation and generate acknowledgement option to all HMs,MEOs has give in jagananna gorumudda dash board portal ( 

HMs and MEOs can login through IMMS app login credentilas and confirm and generate the acknowledgement immediately.

HM login steps

enter webiste (

click on login(use imms user id & password)

click on HM services

click on Dal receipt acknowledgement generation

enter dal received data


Generate acknowledgement.

After completing of all schools in mandal, the MEO will generate the mandal acknowledgement.

MEOs login steps

enter webiste (

click on login( use imms user id & password)

click on MEO services

click on Dal receipt acknowledgement generation

once verify all schools were acknowledgement generated or not then Generate acknowledgement.

All HMs/ MEOs were please give top priority to this work. MOST URGENT

à°•ంà°¦ిపప్à°ªు à°…à°•్నలెà°¡్à°œిà°®ెంà°Ÿ్ 

à°µెà°¬్à°¸ైà°Ÿ్ à°²ోà°•ి మన à°¸్à°•ూà°²్ IMMS USER ID à°…ంà°¡్ PASSWORD à°¤ో à°²ాà°—ిà°¨్ à°…à°¯్à°¯ి HM SERVICES à°²ో DAL RECEIPT à°¨ంà°¦ు à°¡ీà°Ÿెà°¯ిà°²్à°¸్ à°šెà°•్ à°šేà°¸ుà°•ుà°¨ి DOWNLOAD ACKNOWLEDGEMENT బటన్ à°ªైà°¨ à°•్à°²ిà°•్ à°šేà°¸్à°¤ే మన à°ªాà° à°¶ాà°² à°•ు à°¸ంà°¬ంà°§ింà°šిà°¨ RED GRAM DAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT à°¡ౌà°¨్à°²ోà°¡్ à°…à°µుà°¤ుంà°¦ి.

à°¦ీà°¨ిà°¨ి MRC à°•ాà°°్à°¯ాలయంà°²ో ఇవ్à°µాà°²్à°¸ి à°‰ంà°Ÿుంà°¦ి.

Get Download Acknowledgement Receipt Click here


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