Tuesday 17 August 2021

AP Filling up of Backlog vacancies into Classes VI to IX in APR Schools (Minorities) for the academic year 2021-22 Instructions

AP Filling up of Backlog vacancies into Classes VI to IX in APR Schools (Minorities) for the academic year 2021-22 Instructions

AP Filling up of Backlog vacancies into Classes VI to IX in APR Schools (Minorities) for the academic year 2021-22 Instructions-Issued- Regarding as per Rc.No.1479797/ESE53 ACADOADM (BLG)/ 2/2021-ACCD ,Date: 16/08/2021

AP Filling up of Backlog vacancies into Classes VI to IX in APR Schools (Minorities) for the academic year 2021-22 Instructions

Ref:- Government vide G.O. Rt. No.121, School Education (Trg) Department, Dt.17.06.2020.

The Principals of APR Schools (Minority) are hereby permitted to fill up the available leftover vacancies directly at their end from Classes VI to IX from the academic year 2021-22 by inviting applications from the Minority students duly constituting the Admissions Committee at their school level. 

Further, they are directed to fill up the leftover vacancies in Class V, after completion of the regular admissions process duly following the guidelines annexed Receipt of the proceedings should be acknowledged Encl:-Annexure

APREI SOCIETY, GUNTUR Instructions to the Principals of Minority Residential Schools to fill up backlog vacancies for Classes VI to IX from the academic year 2021-22.

1. All the Principals of APR Schools (Minority) are directed to give wide publicity through Print Media as a News Item in the District and local newspapers inviting applications from the interested eligible candidates to provide admissions to the Minority students.

2. The District Convenor concerned shall take up providing admissions to the SC/ST candidates according to the available vacancies for classes VI & VII, along with the backlog vacancies in General Schools.

3. 03) SC/ST vacancies for class VIII & IX shall be notified notify in the news paper as a news item along with Minority vacancies.

4. Principals shall take necessary steps for giving wide publicity among Minority community about the vacancies exclusively meant for them by publicizing through print media as news item and displaying the information on the notice boards of MRO/MEO/MDO/DEO/Dist. Collector’s office/Dist Minority Welfare office and informing to the local Minority Community at Mosques /Madarsas etc.,

5. Minority vacancies shall be filled with the minority candidates only where the School is located.

Eligibility criteria for Admission :

VI Class : Candidate must have studied in Class V during the academic session of 2020-21 in a Government/Government aided or other recognized School.

VII Class :- Candidate must have studied in Class VI during the academic session of 2020-21 in a Government/Government aided or other recognized School.

VIII Class :- Candidate must have studied in Class VII during the academic session of 2020-21 in a Government/Government aided or other recognized school.

IX Class :- Candidate must have studied in Class VIII during the academic session of 2020-21 in a Government/Government aided or other recognized school.

Selection of candidates :-

1. If the number of applications received less than the available vacancies, all the candidates will be provided admission.

2. If the received applications are more than to the available vacancies, then the Principal has to conduct drawl of lots in the presence of the School Admissions Committee for selection of candidates duly following admission guidelines.

3. Principals should verify the certificates of the candidates i.e. Date of birth proof, study certificate, community certificate and income certificate/ White Ration Card etc. before giving admission to the candidates.

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