Thursday 26 August 2021

AP Gazette Notification for fee structure for Nursery to 10 Class of Private Un-Aided Schools for the block period from 2021-2022, 2022-2023 and 2023-2024

AP Gazette Notification for fee structure for Nursery to 10 Class of Private Un-Aided Schools for the block period from 2021-2022, 2022-2023 and 2023-

AP Gazette Notification for fee structure for Nursery to 10 Class of Private Un-Aided Schools in the State of Andhra Pradesh for the block period from 2021-2022, 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 as per G.O.Ms.No.53

AP Gazette Notification for fee structure for Nursery to 10 Class of Private Un-Aided Schools for the block period from 2021-2022, 2022-2023 and 2023-2024


AP Gazette Notification for fee structure for Nursery to 10 Class of Private Un-Aided Schools in the State of Andhra Pradesh for the block period from 2021-2022, 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 as per G.O.Ms.No.53


In exercise of the powers conferred under Section 7 of the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Prohibition of Capitation Fee) Act, 1983 (Act No.5 of 1983), the Government hereby notify the following fee structure for Nursery to 10 Class of Private Un-Aided Schools in the State of Andhra Pradesh for the block period from 2021-2022, 2022-2023 and 2023-2024:-


The Composite Tuition Annual Fee of schools including Prospectum & Registration, Admission fee Examination fee and Refundable charge etc. all put together are fixed as under collectible in three equal instalments

(a) in the schools situated in Gram Panchayats the maximum average fee collectibie shall be Rs 10.000/- per annum for Primary Schools (Class Nursery to 5th) and Secondary Schools (Class 6 to 10) average fees Rs.12.000 per annum for

(b). In the schools situated in Municipalities the maximum average fee colectible shall be Rs. 11,000/- per annum for Primary Schools (Class Nursery to 5) and average fees Ra 15,000 per annum for Secondary Schools (Class 0 to 10) (ie in the schools situated in Municipal Corporations the maximum average fee collectible shall be Rs 12.000 per annum for Primary Schools Class Nursery to 5) and average fees Rs. 18.000/- per annum for Secondary Schools (clasa 6 to 10)

This fee is inclusive of Tuition Fee, Prospectus and Registration Fee. Admission Fee, Examination Fee, Laboratory Fee. Sports Fee, Computer Laboratory Fe, Library Fee. Extracurricular activities fee, Student Welfare Fund, Student Health Care Scheme. Stutty Tour. Alumni and any other simiar fee related to academics

In addition to the above, a student is expected to pay optional for components such as Transportation charges, hostel charges (boarding and lodging charges) if he/she opts for the same


Some of the day scholars who do not stay in the hostel and commun everyday opt to avail transportation facility provided by the management In such a case, the transportation charges shall be collected Rs.1.20 per km per annum


Many children coming from long distances would like to stay in the hostelif any a facility is provided by the institution (a) In the schools situated in Gram Panchayats, the maximum hostel (Boarding and Lodging) charges collectible shall be Rs.18,000/- per annum,

(b) in the schools situated in Municipalities, the maximum hostel (Boarding and Lodging) charges collectible shall be Rs.20,000/- per annum; and

(c) in the schools situated in Municipal Corporations, the maximum hostel (Boarding and Lodging) charges collectible shall be Rs 24,000 per annum

There are another group of Educational Institutions, which are tutorial in nature The dictionary meaning of the word Tutorial" is relating to a tutor or a tutor's tuibion. It is a period of tuition (extra coaching) given by a university or college tutor to an individual or very small group. There is another meaning formal teaching consists of Lecturers, Tutorials and Practicals it is in the former sense that tutorial here is used in Andhra Pradesh several tutorial colleges have come up in the past 30 years August 25, 20211


which impart in addition to regular classes of class syllabus or plus two classes in CBSE also coach the students for IIT, JEE and NEET entrance exams and those students who qualify the entrance exams are given. admission in IITS, NITS and reputed medical colleges in india Extra foo is charged for coaching in such institutions. Some of the institutions have opened branches not only in almost all the towns in Andhra Pradesh but also in all the Metropolitan cities in India. There are institutions which are charging more than Rs 5,00,000/- towards yearly tuition fee with tutorial facility In tutorial in addition to extra coaching they also provide extra matenal/notes and also conduct weekly or monthly tests so as to make mady the student for the concemed examination. It is totally examination oriented

After considering the factors associated with tutorials (extra coaching), the institutions importing tutorials are not allowed to collect any extra amount towards tutorial fee including teaching and material supplied and test conducted respective of whether the place is located in a rural area or town or a city


(a) A recognized school shat maintain proper books of accounts.

(b) A recognized school shall maintain the accounts in accordance with relevant accounting standards and generally accepted accounting principles Expenditure to be met Any recognized school has to meet the expenditure under the Operational Expenses Providing for cost of capital expansion development and addition of infrastructure Facilities provided to the students Generate reasonable surplus to be utilized for inter aña, augmentation of facilities and expansion, including establishment of a now branch or schools under the management of the same eligible educational entity

(d) The procedure for collecting the fees in a school shall be open transparent and accountable

(e). The moognized school shall ensure that no capitation fee in charged.

(1) The recognized school shall ensure that proper hygienic standards are maintainable in the toilets provided


(g) The possible fee components are Prospectus & Registration Fos. It shall be payable only at the time of admission by the student (H) Admission fee It shall be payable only at the time of admission by the student Examination fee It shall be payable only for Examinations

(v) Composite annual fee Single head annual recurring fo including tuition fee payable each year.

(v) Optional tee components various for payable for optional activities and facilities provided by the school like transportation charges and hostel (boarding and lodging) charges

The head of school six weeks before commencement of each academic year shall fie before the Competent Authority (District Education Officer/ Regional Joint Director) and also the commission a full statement of fee to be levied / cotected and also place it in the school notice board and school website, specifying when or at what intervals it is payable Le monthly bi-monthly, quarterly or half-yearly

(vi) No recognized school shad solely provide that the composite annual fee be paid on an annual basis

(vii) At the time of admission, the Manager of every recognized school shat provide the parents or legal guardians of students, a ful statement of the fees to be levied by such school during the ensuing academic year No school except with the prior approval of Competent Authority, charge any fees in excess of fee intimated to the competent authority

(x) No capitation fee shall be charged try any school (X) Recept shall be issued for each time fee is paid;

No student shall be compelled to purchase books, shoes or uniform from a particular shop. The school dress/uniform shall not be changed aceast for five years. For any reason it is changed, justification shall be given

b) Notwmatanding anything contained above, if a school management is of the view that the fee fixed above in low in its case and is not sustainable in the long run the institution may fie a proposal before the Commission within 15 days from the date of notification giving the basis of how much fee would be adequate in its case and stating the reasons therein, how and why the fee fixed in its case is low in the prescribed format available in the Commission website www.apsemc ap gov in in that case, such a school can collect the total fee foxed in para ( above, ether in full or part tentatively and fie its proposal before the Commission The Commission will dispose of the proposal within three months from the date Augua 25, 20211

Gazett of submitting the proposal and uploading all the documents in the prescribed format indicated above. The institution shall not collect any mare fees till the disposal of the application by the Commission

D) While fling the proposal, the institution shall enclose/ furnish the following details in the format given in the official website of the Commission

(a) Details of salary paid to the baching and non-teaching staff 

(b) Details of staff qualifications

(c) Details of major heads of expenditure such as electricity charges. fuel stationery, sports equipment, ibrary books, tab consumables

(d) Audited accounts for the previous three years including tanance sheets, income and expenditure statements, receipts and payments account, bank re-conciliation statement

(iii) Receipts particulars of hostel fee, tuition fee, tutorial / coaching fee transportation charges collected and Any other details which will help in arriving the corect expenditure

(iv) The Commission may call for the day books/cash books, ledgers balance sheets, income expenditure, receipts and payments accounts and any other information which will help the commission in arriving at the fee to be fixed

(v) Upon fing the proposal, the Commission will examine the special circumstances existing in such a case, like the infrastructural faces provided by the institution, the salares paid to the staff and their qualifications, the Library and Laboratory faciities extended, the IT Lab sports facilities and other services available in the campus Upon considering the proposal and the reasons given by the recognized School accept or reject the proposal or prescribe such percentage increase in fees as it may deem fit (not being less than the permitted fee) specifying therwin. the special circumstances prevailing in that case Such order shall be in writing and be served on the recognized school, xvil The income received by the educational institution shall be spent as under

(a) 50% of the fees collected shall be earmarked towards payment of the salarios to the staff,

(b) 15% of the fees collected shall be amarked as managements contribution towards staff benefits lake Gratuity Teachers Provident (15% of the fees collected shall be utilized for the maintenance of the institutions towards expenditure involving the building rent, electricity and water charges, stationary etc, required for office payments to be made and to auditors purchase of Library books chemicals, specimens and other material required for the Laboratory and Fund Group Insurance Scheme etc expenditure involving the upkeep of the institution etc:

20% of the fees collected shall be earmarked for the developmental activities of the institution le expenditure involving opening of additional courses classes, sections and up-gradation of the institutions, construction of additional accommodation acquiring costly equipment and furniture, purchase of land for the use of the institution and the ike xvi Considering the number of Private Un-Aided schools. It is not necessary to fix the fee structure of each private un-aided school. The fee structure is considered and notified for the academic years 2021 2022 2022 2023 and 2023 2024, subject to the following directions

a). The fee is on all inclusive annual fee including various fee like Tuition Fee, Prospectus and Registration Fee, Admission Fee. Examination Fee, Laboratory Fee, Sports Fae, Computer Laboratory Fee, Library Fee. Extracurricular activities fee, Student Welfare Fund, Student Health Care Scheme, Study Tour, Alumni and any other similar fee related to academice

(b). The same fee shall be continue for the students admitted during the block period 2021-2022 to 2023 2024 (ie academic years 20211 -2022 2022-2023 and 2023-2024)

The institutions whose affivations are not extended by the afflating boards for the academic ynar, 2021-2022 are not entitled to collect any fee

The institutions shall not charge other directly or indirectly any other amount over and above the fee fixed. It any other amount is charged under any other head or guise le donations, the same would amount to charging of capitation fee and in that case, the institution shall be liable for prosecution Tutorial institutions are allowed to charge tutorial fee even if they are registered under Section-32 of Andhra Pradesh Education Act 1982 (Act No 1 af 1982)

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