Thursday 9 September 2021

AP Filling up of left over vacancies VII, VIII, IX and enhancement of 20% seats in Classes VI and Intermediate frst year into AP Model Schools during Academic Year 2021-22

AP Filling up of left over vacancies VII, VIII, IX and enhancement of 20% seats in Classes VI and Intermediate frst year into AP Model Schools during

 AP Filling up of left over vacancies VII, VIII, IX and enhancement of 20% seats in Classes VI and Intermediate frst year into AP Model Schools during Academic Year 2021-22 | A.P. Model Schools Filling up of left over vacancies for Classes VII, VIII, IX and enhancement of 20% seats in Classes VI and Intermediate frst year into AP Model Schools during Academic Year 2021-22 as per Rc.No.ESE02/340/2021-AD-APMS Dated:08/09/2021

AP Filling up of left over vacancies VII, VIII, IX and enhancement of 20% seats in Classes VI and Intermediate frst year into AP Model Schools during Academic Year 2021-22

1. G.O.Ms No.17, School Education (Prog.1) Department,dated 11-02-2013.

2. G.O.Ms.No.40, School Education (Prog.1) Department, dated 07-06-2016.

3. G.O.Ms.No.32, School Education (Prog-1) Department, dated 29-06-2020.

4. Govt. Memo No. ESE01-SEDNOCSE (MS)/ 4/ Prog.I/2020, Dated:04-12-2020.

5. Lr.No.83/Govt.Chief Whip/2021, Dated. 24-08-2021 of the Hon’ble Govt. Chief Whip, A.P. Legislative Assembly, Amaravati and Others.

The attention of all the District Educational Ofcers and all the Principals of A.P. Model Schools in the State are invited to the references cited and they are informed that the schools in the State are being transformed as child friendly hubs under the schemes like Manabadi, Nadu-Nedu implemented by the State Government. As a result, large number of students are approaching for admissions into A.P. Model Schools from various management of schools. Thus, there is a great demand for admission into Class VI and Intermediate 1st year in A.P. Model Schools.

The Hon’ble Government Chief Whip, A.P. Legislative Assembly, Amaravati vide reference 5th read above has requested for allotment of seats for admission into Class VI. Also, a number of representations are being received from the public representatives Cs requesting for increasing the seats for admission into various classes in A.P. Model Schools.

They are informed that the Government vide reference 4th read above, have accorded permission to take up 25% excess admissions on the sanctioned strength of each class and to fll up the left over seats in the classes VI, VII, VIII, IX and Intermediate Courses by First Come First Serve (FCFS) basis, without any additional requirement of teachers and any fnancial burden to the Government.

In view of the above, permission is hereby accorded to fll up 20% excess seats over the sanctioned strength i.e. 80 for the Classes VI and Intermediate 1st year duly considering the norms and rule of reservation during this Academic year In view of the above, the Principals of A.P. Model Schools in the State are requested to follow guidelines issued hereunder for flling up of seats in VI and Intermediate 1st Year and left over seats in Class VII, VIII and IX without any deviation:

i. Give frst priority to the students who applied for admission into VI and Intermediate frst year. 

ii. Fill up the seats in VI and Intermediate 1st year on First Come First Serve (FCFS) basis after exhausting the online applications, also letters from the public representatives like Hon’ble M.P./M.L.A, M.L.C., following rule of reservation while flling up the seats. 

iii.Fill up the left over seats in VII to IX on First Come First Serve (FCFS) basis, also letters from the public representatives like Hon’ble M.P./M.L.A, M.L.C.,. without any additional requirement of teachers and any fnancial burden to the Government. 

Therefore, all the District Educational Ofcers in the State are requested to submit a consolidated report in this regard immediately after the process of admission is completed.

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