Saturday 5 March 2022

NPS CPS Employee Died after superannuation without claiming his/her CPS accumulations Modifed instructions

NPS CPS Employee Died after superannuation without claiming his/her CPS accumulations Modifed instructions

NPS CPS Employee Died after superannuation without claiming his/her CPS accumulations Modifed instructions | NPS CPS Employee from the Government service Died after superannuation without claiming his/her CPS accumulations Modifed instructions to Treasury ofcers Issued as per Cir. Memo. No. FIN02-14056/2/2021-F SEC-DTA Dated : 04/03/2022 

NPS CPS Employee Died after superannuation without claiming his/her CPS accumulations Modifed instructions

National Pension System Contributory Pension Scheme Subscriber / Employee superannuated from the Government service Died after superannuation without claiming his/her CPS accumulations – Modifed instructions 

Ref: 1). Cir. Memo. No. Even no, Dated 27/12/2021 of the DTA.

2). Lr. Rc. No. G3/3493/2021, Dated 28/12/2021 of the Deputy Director, District Treasury, Kurnool.

Attention of all the Deputy Directors of District Treasuries and Treasury ofcers in state is invited to the subject cited and it is to inform that, the procedural instructions issued in the reference 1st cited are partially

modifed due to non availability of online functionality in CRA system for processing withdrawal request by the claimant, where the.subscriber has expired after attaining retirement date.

As the feature is under development it was informed by the CRA that, until feature is developed, the Treasury ofcer / Nodal ofce has to process the withdrawal request administratively by submitting the physical documents duly attested to CRA with following attachments. 

i). Covering letter from the respective Treasury ofcer.

ii). Duly flled Death Withdrawal Form from Claimantss) i.e. children of the Subscriber/nominee/legal heir. s103-GD form).

iii). Valid Identity & Address proof of Claimantss) 

iv). Death certifcate of the deceased subscriber issued by the respective competent authority.

v). Family members certifcate sor) Legal certifcate sor) A succession certifcate issued by the respective competent authority.

vi). Bank Proof of Claimantss) - Cancelled cheque / Bank Passbook / Bank Certifcate scontaining Account Holder Name,Bank Account Number & IFSC). 

On receipt of Physical withdrawal form and supporting documents as said above from the respective Nodal ofce, the withdrawal request will be processed at CRA.

Therefore, all the Treasury ofcers in the state are instructed to take action accordingly in such cases.


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