Friday 20 November 2015

AP TS Teachers Annual Grading Increment Software One year Completed Annual Increment Software.

AP TS Teachers Annual Grading Increment fixation Software for Completion of one year Service annual grading fixation Increment Software,AP year year Annual grading Increment fixation Software for AP TS Teachers,AP TS Teachers Yearly year Annual Grading Software for teachers, Annual Grading Increment (AGIS) for teachers software.
AP and TS Teachers yearly increment fixation software and Annual increment Sanction Proceedings and Increment Bill Software.

AP TS Teachers Annual Grading Increment Software One year Completed Annual Increment Software.
AP & TS Teacher Annual Grade Increment Software as per 10th Revised Pay Scale 2015, Teacher who are Complete one 

year service then eligible to yearly Increment this software prepared by sri c.Ramanjaneyulu.

Teachers yearly increment fixation software and Annual increment Sanction Proceedings and Increment Bill Software.

Ap Ts Annual Grading Increment Software for teachers, AGI Software One year Completed Service Increment Software for teachers AP and TS.
          Teachers Who are completed one year service successfully offer sanction one increment to sanction authority like Head Master in High Schools are M.E.Os/Dy.D.E.Os  as per Refered G.O 40 Dt: 07/05/2002. By the 10th Revised Pay Scale 2015, Teacher who are Complete one year service then eligible to yearly Increment it is also applicable to AP and TS Teachers.

Step By Step Prepared Annual Grade Increment Software It is Usefull to preparation of Bill.

  1. 1. Name of the Employee:
  2. 2. Designation:
  3. 3. Scale of Pay:
  4. 4. Name of the School:
  5. 5. Date of 1st Appointment:
  6. 6. Date of Increment:
  7. 7. Present Pay:
  8. 8. Amount of Increment:
  9. 9. After AGI Pay:
  10. 10 Next Increment Date:

 GET DOWNLOAD Annual Grading Increment Software - CLICK HERE


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