Wednesday 22 June 2016

TSWR Schools for Boys and Girls/Girls Residential Degree Colleges 133 Newly sanctioned Posts Notification Order as per G.O.NO:79.

Telangana  TSWR Schools for Boys and Girls Sanction of Teaching and Non-teaching Posts Total 103 newly sanctioned Posts and 30 Posts Residential Degree Colleges for Girls Recruitment Notification Order issued as per G.O.NO:79 , TSWR Schools for Boys and Girls and Girls and Residential Degree Colleges 133 Newly sanctioned Posts Notification Order as per  G.O.NO:79 ,  TSWR Schools newly sanctioned Posts for TSWR Schools for Boys and Girls and Residential Degree Colleges for Girls Recruitment Notification Order issued as per G.O.NO:79 , Telangana Scheduled Welfare Residential Schools Newly Recruitment Notification Order for TSWR Schools for Boys and Girls and Residential Degree Colleges for Girls Sanctioned New post  Order issued as per G.O.NO:79, TS G.O.NO:79 TSWR Schools for Boys and Girls and Girls and Residential Degree Colleges 133 Newly sanctioned Posts Notification Order , TSWR Schools for Boys and Girls/Girls Residential Degree Colleges 133 Newly sanctioned Posts Notification Order as per  G.O.NO:79.

TSWR Schools for Boys and Girls/Girls Residential Degree Colleges 133 Newly sanctioned Posts Notification Order as per  G.O.NO:79.

Telangana State TS S.C.Development Department -Sanction of Teaching and Non-teaching Posts in the newly sanctioned (103) TSWR Schools for Boys and Girls, (30) Residential Degree Colleges for Girls and in the O/o. the Secretary, TSWREIS, Hyderabad to be run under TSWREI Society-Orders - Issued.


G.O.Ms.No.79 Dated:22.06.2016.

Read the following:-

  1. G.O.Ms.No.20, SCD (RS) Dept., Dt.02-06-2016.
  2. S.C. Development Department, U.O.Note No.3879/SCD.RS./2016, dated.16.06.2016.


1.In the reference 1stread above, Government accorded administrative sanction for opening of new 103 TSWR Schools for Boys and Girls and 30 TSWR Degree Colleges for Girls from the Academic Year 2016-17 in Telangana State.

2.In the reference 2nd read above, the S.C. Development Department have proposed for Sanction of Teaching and Non-teaching Posts towards newly sanctioned (103) TSWR Schools for Boys and Girls, (30) Degree Colleges for Girls and in the O/o. the Secretary, TSWREIS, Hyderabad under TSWREI Society. 

3.After careful examination of the proposal of the S.C. Development Department, Government hereby sanction 4616 (four thousand six hundred and sixteen only) teaching and non teaching posts on regular basis in the newly sanctioned 103 TSWR Schools for Boys and Girls, 30 TSW Residential Degree Colleges for Girls to be established and run by Telangana Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society (TSWREIS) and in the O/o. the Secretary, TSWREIS as shown below:

4.Permission also hereby accord to outsource the following services in the newly sanctioned 103 TSWR Schools for Boys and Girls, 30 TSW Residential Degree Colleges for Girls to be established and run by Telangana Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society (TSWREIS) and in the O/o. the Secretary, TSWREIS as shown below:

5.The S.C. Development Department shall obtain concurrence of Finance (HRM.II) Department before initiating measures to fill up the posts sanctioned in this order, wherever service rules prescribe direct recruitment. 6. The S.C. Development Department is requested to take necessary further action in the matter accordingly. 





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