Sunday 20 December 2020

AP Mana Badi Nadu Nedu standardization of the market rates of materials Certain instructions

AP Mana Badi Nadu Nedu standardization of the market rates of materials Certain instructions

AP Mana Badi Nadu Nedu Certain instructions on standardization of the market rates of materials furnish data on or before 22.10.2020 as per Memo no: 1303590/MBNN/2020, Date: 18/12/2020

AP Mana Badi Nadu Nedu standardization of the market rates of materials Certain instructions

Attention all the District Educational Officers, Additional Project Coordinators and Executive Engineers is drawn to the need to standardize the market rates of material for the purpose of guiding parent committees

In this context, it is requested to collect certain data of rates of material and compile them in the format given in the annexure.

Therefore, the Executive Engineers shall collect rates from two schools and furnish to this office through mail to, on or before 22.12.2020 without fail. Encl: Annexure


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