Friday 13 August 2021

AP LPCET 2021 Notification Online Application Payment fee Scheduled dates

AP LPCET 2021 Notification Online Application Payment fee Scheduled dates at

AP LPCET 2021 Notification Online Application Payment fee Scheduled dates at / AP Language Pandit Training Course (LPCET-2021) Notification/Online Application Online fee payment Scheduled dates at /à°†ంà°§్à°° à°ª్à°°à°¦ేà°¶్ à°ªాà° à°¶ాà°² à°µిà°¦్à°¯ా à°¶ాà°– LPCET - 2021 - పత్à°°ిà°• à°ª్à°°à°•à°Ÿà°¨ RC.NO.1280/A5/2021 à°¤ేà°¦ీ. 16.08.2021 / LP CET-2021 NOTIFICATION FOR ONLINE APPLICATION

AP LPCET 2021 Notification Online Application Payment fee Scheduled dates

1. Online Applications for LP CET – 2021: Online Applications are invited from the candidates who intend to take admission into one year Telugu / Hindi Language Pandit Training Course (LPT) in Government and Private Language Pandit Training Colleges in the state from 16.08.2021 in all 13 Districts of the state of A.P.  (Rupees Six Hundred Only). 

2021-22 à°µిà°¦్à°¯ా à°¸ంవత్సరముà°²ో à°†ంà°§్à°° à°ª్à°°à°¦ేà°¶్ à°°ాà°·్à°Ÿ్à°°à°®ుà°²ోà°¨ి à°ª్à°°à°­ుà°¤్à°µ మరిà°¯ు à°ª్à°°ైà°µేà°Ÿ్ à°²ాంà°—్à°µేà°œ్ à°ªంà°¡ిà°Ÿ్ à°Ÿ్à°°ైà°¨ింà°—్ à°•ాà°²ేà°œీలలో ఆఫర్ à°šేయబడుà°¤ుà°¨్à°¨. à°’à°• à°¸ంవత్సరము à°•ాలవ్యవధి à°•à°²ిà°—ిà°¨ à°²ాంà°—్à°µేà°œ్ à°ªంà°¡ిà°Ÿ్ à°Ÿ్à°°ైà°¨ింà°—్ à°•ోà°°్à°¸ులలో à°ª్à°°à°µేశము à°•ొà°°à°•ు à°…à°­్యర్à°§ుà°² à°Žంà°ªిà°• à°¨ిà°®ిà°¤్తము à°²ాంà°—్à°µేà°œ్ à°ªంà°¡ిà°Ÿ్ à°•ామన్ à°•ంà°ª్à°¯ూà°Ÿà°°్ à°Ÿెà°¸్à°Ÿ్ à°Žంà°Ÿ్à°°à°¨్à°¸్ à°Ÿెà°¸్à°Ÿ్ (LPCET-2021) à°•ొà°°à°•ు ఆన్ à°²ైà°¨్ దరఖాà°¸్à°¤ుà°²ు

à°…à°­్యర్à°¥ుà°²ు à°¦ి.18.08.2021 à°¨ుంà°¡ి à°¦ి.16.09.2021 వరకు దరఖాà°¸్à°¤ు మరిà°¯ు పరీà°•్à°· à°°ుà°¸ుà°®ు Rs. 600/- à°šెà°²్à°²ింà°šి, à°¦ి. 18.08.2021 à°¨ుంà°¡ి à°¦ి. 17.09.2021 వరకు à°²ేà°¦ా à°¨ుంà°¡ి ఆన్ à°²ైà°¨్ à°¦్à°µాà°°ా దరఖాà°¸్à°¤ు à°šేయవలెà°¨ు à°­ౌà°¤ిà°• ధరఖాà°¸్à°¤ుà°²ు à°Žà°Ÿ్à°Ÿి పరిà°¸్à°¥ిà°¤ులలోà°¨ు à°…ంà°—ీà°•à°°ించబడవు. à°¦ి.25.09.2021à°¨ (ఉదయం) à°•ంà°ª్à°¯ూà°Ÿà°°్ à°Ÿెà°¸్à°Ÿ్ పరీà°•్à°· à°¨ిà°°్వహించబడుà°¨ు. à°…à°°్హత à°¨ియమావళి, ఆన్ à°²ైà°¨్ దరఖాà°¸్à°¤ు à°¦ాà°–à°²ు à°¨ియమాà°²ు, పరీà°•్à°· à°¨ిà°°్వహణకు

à°¸ంà°¬ంà°¦ింà°šిà°¨ à°®ాà°°్గదర్శకముà°²ు మరిà°¯ు ఇతర à°µివరముà°² à°•ొà°°à°•ు à°ªైà°¨ à°¤ెà°²ిà°ªిà°¨ à°µెà°¬్ à°¸ైà°Ÿ్ à°¨ుంà°¡ి à°¦ి. 16.08.2021 à°¨ుంà°¡ి à°¡ౌà°¨్ à°²ోà°¡్ à°šేà°¸ుà°•ొనవచ్à°šుà°¨ు మరిà°¯ు à°¸ంà°¬ంà°§ిà°¤ à°œిà°²్à°²ా à°µిà°¦్à°¯ాà°¶ాà°–ాà°§ిà°•ాà°°ుà°²ు à°•ాà°°్à°¯ాలయములను à°¸ంà°ª్à°°à°¦ించవచ్à°šుà°¨ు

AP LPCET 2021 Online Fee Details How to Apply Online Application Scheduled Dates

The candidates can pay the fee through the given payment Gateway between 16.08.2021 to 17.09.2021 and can submit online applications at the LP CET-2020 website or between 16.08.2021 to 17.08.2021.

3.Procedure for submission of Application online: Detailed procedure for applying online is given in the Information Bulletin. 

The candidates can download the “Information Bulletin” free of cost from the LP CET-2021 website or from 16.08.2021 onwards.

4.Test of LP CET - 2021: The LP CET will be conducted on 25.09.2021 (Afternoon) in all 13 Districts of the state of A.P. The Test shall only be Social Distanced -Computer Based Test and in one spell. The candidates can choose and attend the Test at any district of his/her choice.

Eligibility Criteria for Admission:

a. The candidates should be of Indian Nationality.

b. The candidates should satisfy Local/Non-Local status requirement as laid down in the A.P. Educational Institutions (Regulation of admission) Order 1974 as subsequently amended.

c. The candidates should have completed 19 years as on 01.07.2020. There is no upper age limit.

Educational Qualifications: 

The candidates who passed the minimum qualifying Tests mentioned below are eligible to apply:

Telugu Pandit Hindi Pandit B.A. (Telugu Literature) 


B.A. (Oriental Language –



B.O.L. in Telugu 


Bachelor Degree with Telugu as one of the optional subjects


MA (Telugu) B.O.L. in Hindi 


Bachelor Degree with Hindi as one of the optional subjects


Praveena of Dakshina Bharat Hindi Prachara Sabha 


Vidwan of Hindi Prachara Sabha, Hyderabad 


Any other equivalent recognized qualification in Hindi (BA Standard) or MA (Hindi)

Important Instructions to the Candidates

1. The candidates who have passed the above Test as on the date of submission of application are only eligible to appear for LPCET-2021.

2. The candidates who have appeared for final qualifying Tests or its Equivalent during this academic year are also eligible to apply LPCET-2021 Entrance Test subject to the condition that they should produce their Pass certificates at the time of counseling without fail.

3. The above qualifications prescribed are for LPCET-2021 only. The Government may prescribe over and above qualifications at the time of Teacher Recruitment Test (TRT).

4. Qualifying marks in the Entrance Test for OC and BC candidates shall be 35 percent of the aggregate marks. However there shall be no minimum Qualifying marks in respect of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.

5. The details pertaining to the Certificates, Rule of Reservation, Content of the Test, Syllabus, Pass and allotment of seats are given in the Information Bulletin.

6. Storage of Test material: The Test related material will be preserved for six months in online from the date of Test and no application in this regard will be entertained beyond this period.

Tentative Schedule Dates - LP CET-2021

1 Notification for conduct of LPCET - 2021 16.08.2021

2 Submission of Application through online with payment of Fee 18.08.2021

3 Last Date for payment of Application Fee through online 17.09.2021

4 Last Date for receipt of filled in Application through online 17.09.2021

5 Issue of Hall Tickets through online 19.09.2021

6 Date of LPCET 2020 through online 25.09.2021 (Afternoon)

7 Date of Release of KEY and Response Sheets 28.09.2021

8 Date of announcement of Results and Ranks 03.10.2021

9 First Phase of Counseling (Preparation of seat matrix, web counseling, allotment of seats, issue of provisional letter of Admission, verification of certificates and issue of Final Admission letter.10.20.2021 to 13.10.2021

10 Second phase of counseling 24.10.2021

11 First instruction day 03.11.2021

Get Download Complete Notification Information Click here

Get Apply Online Application Fee Payment Scheduled dates and more visit official website Click here


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